"History of Song Dynasty" records that he was in office for forty-two years, and if he was lazy as an official, he neglected management; The criminal law seems lenient, but there are many lenient people in the prison. The country has no disadvantages, but it is not enough to rule the world; There are no villains in the DPRK, but it is not enough to win the good. The hearts of monarchs and subjects are filled with awe and loyalty, which has been the foundation for cultivating Song San for more than 100 years. Children and grandchildren will be tamed into chaos if they correct their behavior. "Biography" said: "Being a gentleman stops at benevolence." The emperor is sincere and innocent.
Song Renzong Zhao Zhen, the fourth emperor of the Song Dynasty and the sixth son of Song Zhenzong Zhao Heng. The monarch of the early calendar, the king of Shouchun County, was promoted to the King of Heaven, and the official book was sealed. In the second year, Tianxi was made the Crown Prince. Zhao Zhen died in Jiayou for eight years at the age of 54. He reigned for forty-two years and was the longest-serving emperor in the Song Dynasty. Posthumous title was buried in Yongzhaoling Mausoleum, Xiaozong of Ruizhe, Wu Wensheng, with the temple name Renzong.
During the reign of Zhao Zhen, the economy of the Northern Song Dynasty was prosperous, and science, technology and culture also developed greatly. "History of Song Dynasty" praised: "It is said:' Being a gentleman stops at benevolence.' The emperor is sincere and innocent. Historians have summarized his period of rule and personal governance of the country as "the rule of Ren Zongsheng". He is good at calligraphy, especially at flying white books. The royal collection has 100 volumes. His poems are recorded in The Whole Song Poetry.
On February 19th (1March 23rd, 022), Zhao Heng passed away. At the age of thirteen, Zhao Zhen became emperor. Empress Liu (Xianming Zhang Su) took charge of military affairs on her behalf, and didn't take charge of military affairs on her behalf until her death in two years (1033). Zhao Zhen is generous and not extravagant, but he can restrain himself and treat his courtiers and attendants generously. Bao Zheng, the admonisher, repeatedly hit Zhao Zhen in the face and even spat on his face. However, Zhao Zhen wiped his face with his sleeve and accepted his suggestion without blaming him.
Zhao Zhen is not satisfied with the status quo. In view of the peasant uprisings and mutinies that broke out in various places during the Qing Dynasty, as well as the increasingly serious phenomenon of land annexation and "three redundancies" (redundant officials, redundant soldiers and redundant expenses), he also intended to carry out innovations. He repeatedly accused the minister of "what is happening in the world" with the intention of making a difference.
In the third year of Li Qing, Zhao Zhen granted Fan Zhongyan the right to participate in politics, and promoted Ouyang Xiu, Yu Jing, Wang Su and Cai Xiang as admonishers (commonly known as "four remonstrances"). He was determined to make progress. Ten reform ideas put forward by Fan Zhongyan and others, such as "opening to the people, restraining transportation, paying tribute to the people, selecting officials, public land, cultivating agriculture and mulberry, repairing military equipment, reducing corvee and re-ordering", were adopted by Zhao Zhen, and gradually promulgated and implemented, and distributed throughout the country. With the obstruction and failure of the aristocratic bureaucracy. However, although this reform failed, it played a leading role in Wang Anshi's later reforms.
Two emperors, Bian Zhen, both died because they had no children. In the second year of you Jing (1035), Zhao Yun, the king of Pu, let Zhao Zongshi, the thirteenth son, enter the palace and gave her support to the Queen Cao. However, in the second year of Baoyuan (1039), Zhao Zhen drove Master Zhao out of the palace. However, Zhao Zhen's three sons died early one after another. In the seventh year of Jiayou, Master Zhao was appointed as the Prince (Zhao Shu, Song Yingzong).
In the eighth year of Jiayou, Zhao Zhen died in the capital of song dynasty palace at the age of 54. According to the History of Song Dynasty, after the news of Zhao Zhen's death came out, "Shi Jing (Kaifengfu) went on strike and cried for several days, although beggars and children were crying in front of ouchi".