Now it seems that com made a mistake. I haven't adjusted my point of view. But I think it should work. Because there are few documents on the COM interface.
You can learn this interface from VBA documentation first. Find some examples of C++ calling outlook.
The following is an example I found on the Internet. for reference only
#! /usr/bin/env? Python
Answer? Simple? Address? Books? Browser. ? Descending? Become? That? Depth? about
Yours Exchange? Server? Through? Outlook? And then what? Found it? That? contacts
List. ? then what Excerpts? Those? Contact!
Attention:? Generation? That? Type? Library? For what? Microsoft? Outlook? First of all.
Mail? information
Are you online? MSDN? That? Interface? Is it? On record? Down there? "Messaging? and
Collaboration ",?" Collaboration? Data? Object ",?" CDO? for
Windows? 2000",?" CDO? For what? Windows? 2000",?" Messaging ",
"concept" “CDO? Messaging? COM? Interface ",? "That? IMessage
COM? Interface ",?" IMessage? Attribute ".
Unfortunately,? Isn't it? All of them? Attribute? Is it? Always? Available.
Really? That? gen_py '? Directory? Inside? Site package? May? be
Answer? More? Is it accurate? Summary? Yes? Attribute? And then what? Interface.
Saved? project
typedef? enum? {
olTXT? =? 0,
olRTF? =? 1,
olTemplate? =? 2,
olMSG? =? 3,
Aldo? =? 4,
olHTML? =? 5,
Ovka? =? 6,
Orfkar? =? seven
}? OlSaveAsType
Dating? Articles? Is it? Saved? As? vCal? By who? By default.
Contact? Articles? Is it? Saved? As? vCard? By who? By default.
Mail? Articles? Is it? Saved? As? Words? By who? By default.
All of them? Other? Articles? Is it? Saved? As? Words? By who? By default.
Import? win32com.client
Import? sys,? Operating System (operating system)
#? This? Is it? Need? Before? we? Is it okay? Even? Talk? About what? Different? enum? Values.
Outlook? =? win32 com . client . dispatch(" Outlook。 Application ")
Class? View:
"A? Opinion? Go? Namespace.
def? __init__(self, code):
"initialization? That? Opinion? With what? Answer? Personality? Encoding.
Self-coding =? encode
Class? Console view (view):
"A? Console style? View. "
Show namespace attribute mapping? =? {
win32 com . client . constants . ol folder? :
("+",? "Name"),
win32 com . client . constants . ol contact? :
(" >,?" E-mail 1 address "),
win32 com . client . constants . olmail? :
(" >,? "theme"),
No? :
("?" ,? "Name")
def? __init__(self, code,? page_width=80,? page_limit=20):
Initialize? That? Opinion? With what? Answer? Personality? Coding? And then what? That? optional
Page width'? And then what? Page _ Limit'.
View. __init__(self, code)
self.page_width? =? Page width
self.page_limit? =? Page limit
def? Update_status (self, counter,? max_value):
"update? Answer? Status? Indicators? With what? That? Given? Counter? Value? And then what? Maximum value.
last_counter? =? Max (counter? -? 1,? 0)
Finally _ width? =? int((last_counter? *? self.page_width)? /? Maximum value)
Width? =? Int ((counter? *? self.page_width)? /? Maximum value)
sys.stdout.write(" . "? *? (width? -? Last _ Width))
What if? Counter? ==? Maximum value:
sys.stdout.write("\n ")
def? Error (self):
sys.stdout.write("!" )
def? Show_namespace (itself, project):
"Performance? That? Namespace,? Given? Answer? List? Yes? Item', "
What if? Len (item)? & gt? self.page_limit:
Print? "!" ,? "Show? That? The first "," self.page_limit,? "items? Only. "
For what? Value? Are you online? items[:self.page_limit]:
Decoration? Property? =? self . show _ namespace _ property _ mapping[value。 Category]
Except? Critical error:
Decoration? Property? =? _ namespace _ property _ mapping [none]
Print? Decoration? Self.get_property (value,? Attribute). Coding (self-coding)
def? get_property(self,? Object? Property,? Default value = "":
#? Attention:? Black!
What if? Property? ==? "Senton":
Return? Getattr(object, property). Format ()
Return? Getattr(object, attribute)
Except? Attribute error:
Return? System default value
Class? Extractor:
"A? Class? Used? For what? That? Extract? Yes? Articles/objects? From where? Folders
Extract _ Type _ Mapping? =? {
win32 com . client . constants . ol appointment? :
(win32 com . client . constants . olvcal,? "venture capital"),
win32 com . client . constants . ol contact? :
(win32 com . client . constants . olv card,? “vcf”),
win32 com . client . constants . olmail? :
(win32 com . client . constants . ol txt,? “txt”),
No? :
(win32 com . client . constants . ol txt,? " txt ")
def? __init__(self, view = none):
"initialization? That? Extractor? With what? That? Optional? View "."
self.view? =? visual angle
def? Extract (self,? Articles,? File name):
"Excerpts? That? Given? Project? Where to? Answer? Documents? With what? That? Given? File name "."
Total _ Quantity? =? Len (project)
For what? Me? Are you online? Range (0,? Total):
Value? =? Item [i]
Save as type,? Suffix? =? self . extract _ type _ mapping[value。 Category]
Except? Critical error:
Save as type,? Suffix? =? Self. extract _ type _ mapping[ none]
Value. SaveAs(os.path.join (file name, str(i)? +? "."? +? Suffix),
Save as type)
Except? Attribute error:
What if? Self-view:
Except? win32 com . client . pywintypes . com _ error:
What if? Self-view:
What if? Self-view:
self.view.update_status(i? +? 1,? Total)
Class? Resource manager:
"A? Class? Maintenance? That? Status? Yes? Explore. "
def? __init__(self, view = none):
Global? view
Self current? =? self.ns? =? Looking ahead. GetNamespace("MAPI ")
self.view? =? visual angle
Self. _get_namespace()
def? Up (oneself):
"ascension? Become? That? Parents? Folder? Return? Is it? It? Used to be. It is possible. "
What if? Self current? ! =? Self ns:
Self current? =? Self. Current. Parents
Self. _get_namespace()
Return? 1
Return? 0
def? Down (self, name):
Descending? Become? That? Folder? With what? That? Given? Name? Return? Is it? it
Is it okay? Is it? It's done.
What if? self.choices.has_key(name):
Self current? =? self.choices[name]
Self. _get_namespace()
Return? 1
Return? 0
def? get_items(self):
"Return? Answer? List? Yes? Articles? Are you online? That? Currently? Folders
Return? Self project
def? Get a choice (self):
"Return? Answer? A dictionary? Mapping? Name? Where to? Object. "
Return? Self-selection
def? _get_namespace(self):
Ann? Inside? Method? Which one? Refresh? That? Currently? Namespace.
Self-choice Self-belongings? =? get_namespace(self.current,? Self-view)
def? Get_namespace (namespace, view = none):
Get? That? Content? Yes? That? Given? Namespace',? Return? Answer? A dictionary? about
Choice? (Is it appropriate? For what? Folder)? And then what? Answer? List? Yes? Articles? (Is it appropriate? for
d? =? {}
l? =? []
#? First of all? Try it? Looking for? For what? Folders ? then what See? For what? Project. ? And then what? So what? Open.
For what? Attribute? Are you online? (("folder",? "Name")? ("articles",? None)):
#? See? For what? Object? Yes? That? Currently? Type:? Folder,? Articles,? Wait a minute.
object_name? =? Attribute [0]
Child object? =? Getattr (namespace, object name)
Except? Attribute error:
#? Ignore? That? Rest? Yes? That? Cycle? Body? And then what? begin
#? That? Next? Iteration.
#? Index? That? Got it back? Articles? By who? Storage? They? By who? Name? Are you online? Answer? A dictionary.
#? Can't? Slice? Articles,? And then what? They? Always? Seems? Where to? Start? Where is it? Index? 1.
Total _ Quantity? =? Shot (sub-object)
For what? Me? Are you online? Range (1,? Total _ Quantity? +? 1):
field_name? =? Attribute [1]
#? Shop? Are you online? That? A dictionary? Use? That? Designated? Property,? if
#? Specify.
L.append (child object [i])
What if? field_name? Is it? Isn't it? None:
D[getattr (child object [i],? field_name)]? =? Child object [i]
Except? Attribute error:
get through
#? Rough-made? Status? Indicator.
What if? View:
View.update_status (I,? Total)
Return? d,? l
def? main():
#? Get? That? Coding? What if? Specify.
What if? len(sys.argv)? & gt? 2:
Coding? =? sys.argv[2]
Coding? =? "UTF 8"
Opinion? =? Console View (Coding)
The seeker? =? Browser (view)
What time? 1:
#? Hint? That? Users.
Print? "-"? *? 60
view . show _ namespace(explorer . get _ items())
Print? "-"? *? 60
Print? "[beauty] p? Have? [E]xtract? [Q]uit? [H]elp? then what & ltReturn & gt! "
Print? "-"? *? 60
s? =? Original input (). Stripping (). upper()[0]
#? Found it? That? Right? Action.
What if? s? ==? “U”:
#? Get up.
Elif? s? ==? “D”:
#? Hint? For what? That? Folder? Where to? Enter.
Print? "Come down? Become: "
Name? =? Original input ()
What if? Isn't it? Explorer.down (name):
Print? "No? Like this? Object. "
Elif? s? ==? “E”:
#? Hint? For what? That? Documents? Where to? Excerpts? To.
Print? "Excerpts? To: "
File name? =? Original input ()
Print? "Extracting ..."
Extractor? =? Extractor (view)
extractor . extract(explorer . get _ items(),? File name)
Elif? s? ==? "q":
Print? "Exiting ..."
Raise? System exit
Elif? s? ==? “H”:
Print? "type? That? d? Keys? then what & ltReturn & gt? Where to? Enter? Answer? Folders
Print? "give it? That? Exactly? Folder? Name? What time? Hint? And then what? News? & ltReturn & gt."
Print? "type? That? u? Keys? then what & ltReturn & gt? Where to? Moving? Up? One? Level. "
Print? "type? That? q? Keys? then what & ltReturn & gt? Where to? Quit. "
Print? "type? That? h? Keys? then what & ltReturn & gt? Where to? Reading? This? Here we go again. "
Print? "type? That? e? Keys? then what & ltReturn & gt? Where to? Excerpts? Item. "
Print? "give it? Answer? File name? What time? Hint? And then what? News? & ltReturn & gt."
Print? "all right? Luck! "
Print? "No? Like this? Command. "
What if? __name__? ==? " __main__ "
Master ()
#? vim:? tabstop=4? expandtab? shiftwidth=4