The war was originally given to the king of Wu by the king of Yue. At the beginning, when wuyue was fighting for hegemony, Yue was finally defeated by Wu. Therefore, after the defeat of Gou Jian, the king of Yue, he presented the war as a tribute to the king of Wu, who regarded it as a national treasure and wore it with him every day. Later, the sword was transferred to Chu. Until the last time, this sword was said to have spread to Yue Fei, a famous soldier in the Southern Song Dynasty, but after Yue Fei was killed, the whereabouts of this sword were unknown.
Fishbone was not called Fishbone at first. At the beginning, the fish intestine sword was in the hands of childe Jiguang. Later, childe Jiguang stabbed the king of Wu with this sword and won the throne. After Ji Guang's death, Ji Guang's son buried the sword with him in the grave. It was not until Qin Shihuang unified the whole country that he ordered people to dig graves, take out swords and name them fishbone swords.
These two swords, Longyuan and Miyabe, are actually very famous in the history of China, because they are the earliest iron swords in China. At the earliest time, the two swords, Longyuan and Miyabe, were in the hands of Chu people, but after Qin Shihuang unified the whole country, these two swords also fell into the hands of Qin Shihuang. Long Yuan's sword was later called Longquan Sword, because it was cast in Longquan. According to legend, these swords made in Ou Yezi are very sharp, and they are as sharp as mud, just like cutting tofu.