Pathomorphological method, used to check the pathological changes of body organs, tissues or cells. In order to explore the disease process of organs, tissues or cells, we can use some pathomorphological examination methods to examine their lesions, explore the causes, pathogenesis, occurrence and development process of the lesions, and finally make a pathological diagnosis.
Pathomorphological examination method: first observe the pathological changes of the gross specimen, then cut off the diseased tissue of a certain size, make pathological sections by histopathology, and further examine the lesions by microscope.
Pathological examination has been widely used in clinical work and scientific research. Clinically, autopsy and surgical pathology are mainly carried out. The purpose of surgical pathological examination is: first, to make a clear diagnosis, verify the preoperative diagnosis and improve the clinical diagnosis level; Second, after a clear diagnosis, we can decide the next treatment plan and estimate the prognosis, thus improving the clinical treatment level. Through clinical and pathological analysis, a large number of valuable scientific research materials can be obtained.
The methods of pathological diagnosis only by morphological observation, that is, simple qualitative methods and morphological methods, can only make rough quantitative estimates, such as judging the malignant transformation of malignant tumors according to the mitosis number of tumor cells, especially the pathological mitosis number? .