2. Synopsis: 1936, Lin Nansheng, a young student in the special training class of Fuxing Society, was taken to Shanghai by Chen Mou Qun, the special stationmaster of Fuxing Society, to participate in the task of arresting underground parties lurking in Fuxing Society. Lin Nansheng's integrity and simplicity were constantly inspired by Gu, Ji Zhongyuan, Zuo Qiuming and other communist party people's sense of mission and fearless spirit of sacrifice, and he had a deeper thinking about the chaos within the Kuomintang and the suffering of the people in China at that time, and also had a deeper understanding of the beliefs and pursuits of communist party people. Lin Nansheng was brave and courageous in the struggle against the Japanese Puppet, and made meritorious military service repeatedly. In the face of national justice, he stood with communist party people many times, especially at some critical moments. He used his special position in the military system to provide great help to the underground party organizations in Shanghai. After hard struggle and the test of life and death, Lin Nansheng grew into a real communist party member, and made outstanding contributions to the party and the country at the critical moment of the war of liberation.
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