Surgical treatment of uterine prolapse
20 18-09-0 15808 people read
Deputy Chief Physician Chang Yan
Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Chengdu University
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Uterine prolapse means that the uterus descends from the normal position to the vagina, and the external opening of the cervix reaches below the level of the sciatic spine or even the uterus completely leaves the vaginal opening. We call it uterine prolapse.
Patients with mild prolapse are generally nothing special, while patients with severe prolapse will have different degrees of lumbosacral pain and falling feeling. After standing for a long time or being tired, there is obvious defecation, difficulty in urination and even constipation. After standing for a long time, vulvar tumors can rest in bed, some people can recycle them themselves, and some people can't.
The operation method is based on the degree of prolapse. Generally speaking, surgical treatment can be considered for patients with external hymen prolapse but symptoms.
There are several modes of operation:
First, Mann's surgery.
Second, transvaginal hysterectomy and vaginal anterior and posterior wall repair.
Third, the number of vaginal closures.
Fourth, pelvic floor reconstruction surgery.
According to the patient's age, fertility requirements and general health status, these operations are individualized. The ultimate goal of surgery is to relieve symptoms, restore normal anatomical position and organ function, have satisfactory sexual function and maintain the effect.