Inquire about some basic information of the company to be interviewed on the Internet. If many people in the network have a poor evaluation of the company, it will take a long time to consider whether to go for an interview or not, so as not to waste time.
If the company you want to interview has a website, check some basic information of the company on the company website. The most important thing is to know some information about the position to be interviewed. If you have time, you can also learn about some related competitors' companies, prepare more topics for the interview and give the interviewer a better impression.
Some preparations for specific positions, if technical, need to make some detailed preparations for the technical requirements of the positions to be interviewed. Generally, interviews in large companies require technical questions. If you fail the technical exam, there may be no next interview.
On the day of the interview or before the interview, wash your hair and put on a satisfactory suit. Specific positions have different requirements for clothing, but generally they are required to wear formal clothes as much as possible.