When Jia Yingying was away, he made Mingming kneel, beat and pinch the child, which often made him black and blue, and he was not allowed to cry. If you dare to cry, more severe punishment will follow. At first, when Jia Yingying found out that the child was injured, he was very angry, so he quarreled with Cui Kaixuan and broke up. But Cui Kaixuan said that he was trying to make the children obedient, not to spoil their good deeds, and he was afraid to tell others. This must make children afraid and discipline them well. Jia Yingying found that her son really didn't dare to come and make trouble now, and he didn't dare to cry casually. For the convenience of cheating, she was so confused that she forgave her lover for hitting the child. ...
20 14, 12, 15 In the evening, Cui Kaixuan was making out with him, but when he was "not available", he clearly came over and hugged his mother, so Jia had to coax him. Cui Kaixuan's teeth itch with hate. 12 16 in the morning 1 1 p.m. When Jia Yingying went to cook, Cui Kaixuan sent Mingming to kneel. Because the child was crying for his mother, Cui Kaixuan held his shoulder with his left hand, punched Mingming in the chest three times and hit him on the head with a water cup. Yao Ming finally fell down, and there was no sound. Cui Kaixuan saw that he was gradually out of breath, so he hurried to inform Jia Yingying.