The story begins with two orphans, Qingqing and Xiaocao. Qingqing's brother and sister-in-law forced her to marry an old man as a concubine; Xiaocao's aunt caused her trouble. Unwilling to be bound by fate, the two girls fled to Fujiazhuang, Yangzhou, to join Grandpa Hai at their wedding. On the way, I happened to meet He Shiwei, a cynical rich boy who also ran away from home. For various reasons, the three of them walked together. On the way, Qingqing could not help secretly feeling sorry for Shi Wei.
After arriving at Fujiazhuang, successive events triggered past grievances, and the mystery of Xiaocao's life experience also had clues. The past and the present are intertwined with endless joys and sorrows, as well as endless loveliness and sadness, new hatred and old hatred. ...
Qing Qing, He Shiwei and Xiao Cao met in this way. All the stories in life begin with the word "meet". Their stories are no exception.