As everyone in Zhong Kui knows, Zhong Kui is very powerful in both middle and assists. In general, he is often assisted by Zhong Kui. For Huang Zhong, Zhong Kui is more restrained. Zhong Kui's second skill is to hook the enemy to his side from a long distance, so Zhong Kui is a nightmare to choose more shooters. If we choose Huang Zhong opposite, we will decisively choose Zhong Kui. Even if Huang Zhong opens his mouth, Zhong Kui will not be afraid. Another big move, Huang Zhong, has no chance to export. Our hero is not a fool. Huang Zhong has taken the bait. Taking Huang Zhong away must be a wave of operations. After Huang Zhong meets you, it is estimated that he will take a detour.
Tian Lei Tian Lei's hero is simply a work of art. Huang Zhong is nothing compared with Bai Qi. In front of Tian Lei, as long as you turn it up, I will turn it up and control you directly. With the output operation of teammates, Huang Zhong can't leave. In addition, it is very likely that he will control five people across the street, which laid the foundation for our wave. The most important output of the team, Huang Zhong, is gone. It's strange not to hang you.
Zhao Yun is also Huang Zhong's nightmare. As long as Huang Zhong dares to make a big move, Zhao Yun is not afraid to directly increase his skills to control Huang Zhong. It's no problem to take Huang Zhong away with two skill outputs, and Zhao Yun is also an artifact. As long as Huang Zhongkai, Zhao Yun is definitely the first to start a group. Plus the output of teammates, it takes minutes to knock down the other side, so it is also a very good thing to deal with Huang Yun.
Lian Po For Lian Po, Huang Zhong is a younger brother. If you dare to grow in the same place, I will dare to take you flying with a set of skills, so that you have no ability to export. Moreover, Lian Po didn't just run away when he made a big move, so Lian Po didn't help Huang Zhong at all.
The above hero pairs are all aimed at Huang Zhong, so you can try.