1 claudio tafrell?
No.2 Jorge Jurginho?
Ricardo Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha III?
No.4 Ronaldo Gallo?
Mauro Silva on the 5th?
Number six, Icarahin-Blanco?
Bei Beituo on the 7th?
Carlos Dunga on the 8th?
Crisan-Zinho on the 9th?
Ira 10?
No 1 1 romario?
No 12 Almero-Zetti?
13 aldair-Santos?
14 Marcos Cafu?
15 Marciaux-Santos?
16 Leonardo Araujo?
17 Iomar-Zinho Ma?
Paulo Sergio?
Luiz Muller?
C Ronaldo on the 20th?
2 1 Paul viola?
Girma-Dalpozzo No.22
1994 World Cup team list?
1. USA 1994 World Cup Team?
1 Tony Meola?
Mike Label, number two?
Mike Burns is on the 3rd?
Number four, Clement Coleman?
Number five, Thomas Dolly?
John hawkes on the 6th?
Seventh place hugo perez?
Ernie Stewart is on the 8th?
Number 9, Tabramos?
10 Roy wigler?
No 1 1 Eric Venal da?
12 you two Sommer?
13 Kobe Jones?
No 14 Frank Klopas?
Joel moore?
Mike sorber?
17 Marcelo Barbo?
18 Brad friedel?
Claudio Reina, 19?
Paul Caligiuri on the 20th?
265438 +0 Fernando clavijo?
Alexei lalas, number 22?
Second, Romania 1994 World Cup squad?
1 florian-prune?
Second place dan petrescu?
Daniel Prodan on the 3rd?
No.4 Miodrog-Belodedici?
Joan Lupescu 5?
No 6 gheorghe popescu?
Seventh place Dorinell Montanu?
Julian Chirita, number 8?
Frohring-La Dusio 9?
10 George Haji?
1 1 Yili-dumitrescu?
12 bogdan-Straja?
13 Tibor-Lemes?
14 George Mihali?
15 Basarab-Panduru?
John Vladoiu?
17 Viorel-Moldova?
Constantin Galca?
19 Corneliu-Papra?
Ovieu on the 20th. Stinga?
2 1 Marion-Ivan?
Stefan Preda 22?
Iii. 1994 World Cup Colombian team list?
1 Oscar Cordova?
2 Andres Escobar?
3 alexis mendoza?
4 luis herrera?
5 Herman gaviria?
6 gabriel gomez?
7 Anthony de Avila?
8 john lozano?
9 Ivan Valencia?
10 Carlos Vallama?
1 1 adolf Valencia?
Farid Mondragon?
13 Nestor Otis?
Lionel Alvarez?
15 Luis -C- Pereira?
Victor Aristizabal?
17 Mauricio Cerna?
Oscar Cortes?
19 Freddie rincon?
20 Wilson Perez?
2 1 faustino-aspirin?
22 Jose Paso?
Fourth, the Swiss team 1994 World Cup squad?
Marco Pascolo?
Number two, Marco Hottig?
Ivan Quentin, number three?
Dominique Herr is on the 4th?
Allen Geiger on the 5th?
Georges bregy on the 6th?
Seventh place Allen Shute?
Christopher O 'Heller on the 8th?
Adrian Knoop from the 9th?
10 Ciriaco-sforza?
No 1 1 Stefan cha Puyi Sartre?
Stephane Lehmann?
13 Andrea Gayle?
No 14 Nestor Subiat?
15 Kyle Gracie?
16 Thomas bickel?
17 sebastian fournier?
18 Martin ruda?
19 Joerg-Stude?
Patrick Sylvester 20?
2 1 Thomas Weiss?
Martin Brunner on the 22nd?
Verb (abbreviation of verb) 1994 World Cup Sweden Team?
65438 +0 Thomas Ravelli?
No.2 Roland Nihlsson?
Patrik Andersson number three?
No.4 Joachim Biorklund?
Roger Lyons is on the fifth?
Number six, Stefan Schwarz?
Seventh place Henrik larcon?
No.8 Crass-Ingerson?
Jonas Thern on the 9th?
10 martin dahlin?
No 1 1 Thomas brolin?
Lars Erickson Jr.
13 Michael Nihlsson?
14 Pontus-Cormac?
15 Teddy Lucic?
Anders Limpar?
No. 17 Stefan Ryan?
No.65438 +08 Hao Kan-Mildred?
19 Kenneth Anderson?
No.20 Magnus-Ilya Mark?
No.265438 +0 Yespe Blomkvist?
Magnus He Deman is on the 22nd?
6. 1994 World Cup Brazil Team?
1 claudio tafrell?
No.2 Jorge Jurginho?
Ricardo Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha III?
No.4 Ronaldo Gallo?
Mauro Silva on the 5th?
Number six, Icarahin-Blanco?
Bei Beituo on the 7th?
Carlos Dunga on the 8th?
Crisan-Zinho on the 9th?
Ira 10?
No 1 1 romario?
No 12 Almero-Zetti?
13 aldair-Santos?
14 Marcos Cafu?
15 Marciaux-Santos?
16 Leonardo Araujo?
17 Iomar-Zinho Ma?
Paulo Sergio?
Luiz Muller?
C Ronaldo on the 20th?
2 1 Paul viola?
Girma Dalpozzo on the 22nd?
Vii. 1994 World Cup Russian team list?
1 stanislavski-Cherchesov?
Second place dmitry kuznetsov?
Sergey gorlukovich number three?
Dmitri Jayamin is on the fourth?
Yuri Nikiforov is on the 5th?
Vladislav Tenevsky, number six?
No.7 Andre Piater Nisski?
Dmitri popov on the 8th?
Oleg Salenko on the 9th?
10 Valery-Coping?
No. 1 1 Vladimir-Don't be chaste, Nie?
Omar Tetradze?
13 Alexander Borodai You Ke?
14 Igor Korneyev?
15 Dmitry radzenko?
16 Dmitry Harlem?
Ilya Iliya Tsymbalar?
18 viktor onopko?
Aleksandr mostovoi?
No.20 Igor Ledyakhov?
2 1 Dmitry Khlestov?
No.22 Sergei EULAN SPA01 SPA0 1?
8. 1994 World Cup Cameroon team list?
1 joseph bell?
No.2 Kana-Biecque?
Gaubert song in No.3?
Samuel Akoum on number four?
Victor Ndip is on the 5th?
Thomas Justus von Liebig 6?
No.7 Omam-Biecque?
Emile Mbouh is on the 8th?
Roger milla on the 9th?
Louis Moufid?
No 1 1 Emmanuel Emmanuel Maboang?
12, Paul Loga?
13 Raymond Kara?
14 Steven tattoo?
16 alfons-Tchami?
17 Vivian-Fu?
18 Fiala, jeanpierre?
19 David emby?
Georges Mouyeme on the 20th?
No.265438 +0 Thomas N 'Kono?
Jacques Sango, number 22?
9. 1994 World Cup Germany Team?
1 Hakata-illgner?
Thomas Thomas Strunz II?
Number three, Andres Bremer?
Fourth place You Ergen Corell?
Thomas helmer 5?
Guido buchwald 6?
No.7 Andres Muller?
Thomas Hathaway 8?
Karl-Heinz Riedle 9?
No 1 1 Stefan Kuntz?
Andres kopke?
13 Rudy Waller?
14 Thomas Berthall?
15 Mauricio-Gaudino?
16 Matthias-sammer?
17 martin wagner?
18 Jurgen Klinsmann?
19 Ulf-Kirsten?
Stefan Finberg is on the 20th?
2 1 mario basler?
Oliver kahn on the 22nd?
X. 1994 world cup Spain team?
1 Anthony zubi Zareta?
Second place albert ferrer?
No.3 Jorge otero?
Fourth place Francisco camarasa?
Alvarado Fernandez 5?
Fernando hierro on the 6th?
Juan goicochea is on the 7th?
Number eight, Jules Guerrero?
Ninth place josep guardiola?
10 Jose Vaquero?
No. 1 1 Otto Dao-Bei Ghiris Tyne?
12 Sergi-Baljuan?
13 Santiago-Canizar Reyes?
14 Juan Nelle-Kiros?
15 jose caminero?
16 Felipe minanfos?
17 borogonzalez?
18 Raphael Alcol Tower?
19 julio salinas?
Miguel nadal on the 20th?
2 1 luis enrique?
No.22 Gulen-Loppert Ji?
XI。 Bolivia 1994 World Cup lineup?
1 Carlos trucco?
Second place juan manuel pena?
Number three, Kyle.-Sandy?
Miguel Rimba on the 4th?
Gustavo 5-Quinteros?
Carlos Borja 6?
Mario Pinedo, number 7?
Milton Melgar 8?
Guillermo alvaro pena on the 9th?
10 Marco echeveri?
No 1 1 Jaime Moreno?
12 Dario Rojas?
13 modesto-Soruko?
14 Mauricio Ramos?
15 Vladimir Soria?
No 16 Luis Cristaldo?
17 oscar sanchez?
William Ramalho?
19 Marcelo Torico?
Ramilo Castilo 20?
2 1, Owen Sanchez?
Julio Valdivieso on the 22nd?
12. 1994 world cup Korean team lineup?
1 In-Young Choi?
Jong-Soo Chung 2?
Li Junhua number three?
Pan-Keoun Kim on the 4th?
Jung-Bae Park 5?
Young-Jin Lee 6?
Hongji Xin 7?
Lu Tingrun on the 8th?
No.9 Golden Pearl City?
10 high?
No. 1 1 Xu?
12 Cui yingri?
13 Ahn Ik Soo?
14 Dae-shik Choi?
15 Zhensong Cao?
16 Ha Seok-Ju?
17 is a model?
18 Huang Shanhong?
19 Moon-Shik Choi?
Hong Mingfu on the 20th?
No.265438 +0 Park Zheyun?
Lee woon-jae on the 22nd?
XIII. 1994 World Cup Argentina List?
1 Sergio goyechea?
Sergio Vazquez 2?
Jose Cha Mote 3?
Roberto Sancini 4?
Fernando Lei Dongduo is on the 5th?
Sixth Oscar-Rugeri?
Claudio caniggia, number 7?
Gabriel batistuta on the 9th?
Jose basualdo is on the 8 th?
10 Diego Diego Maradona?
1 1 Medina Bello?
12 Louis-Islas?
13 Fernando caceres?
14 Diego Simone?
15 Jorge borell?
16 Hernan Diaz?
17 Ariel Ortega?
Hugo Leonardo perez?
19 Abel-Barbo?
20th, Leonardo rodriguez?
2 1 Alejandro Mancuso?
Norberto Scoponi is on the 22nd?
14, 1994 World Cup Bulgaria team list?
1 Borislav-mikhailov?
Emil II-Kremenliev?
Third place trifon ivanov?
No.4 sanko -Cveta Novo?
Peter Kuchev on the fifth?
Zlatko Yankov 6?
Amir 7-Kostadinov?
No.8 Crystal Stoichkov?
No.9 Jordan Lekhkov?
10 Nasko-Silakov?
No 1 1 Daniel Borimirov?
12 Pramont-nikolov?
13 Ivalo-Iordanov?
No. 14 Bonjo Gencev?
Nicola Ilf?
16 Hiram-Kiriyakov?
Peter Mihtarski?
18 Peter Alexandrov?
No. 19 Gorky-Georg Jeff?
Krasimir Balakov on the 20th?
2 1 Wilcott-Yotov?
Ivanov on the 22nd?
15. 1994 World Cup Nigeria team list?
1 Peter Rufai?
Augustine Eguavan, number two?
No.3 Ben-iroha?
Fourth place Stephen Cash?
Fifth place Uche-Oak Chukwu?
Sidi Enwanu on the 6th?
Number 7, finidi. George?
Thompson Olha on the 8 th?
No.9 Rashid Yekini?
10 Augustine Okocha?
No 1 1 emmanuel amuneke?
12 Samson-West Asia?
13 ezugo, Emeka?
Issue 14 daniel amokachi?
15 Sandy Olyser?
16 Jin Luxian-agu?
17 victor ikpeba?
18 Ivan ekuku?
No. 19, Michael emmenaro?
20th, Uche Okafor?
2 1 mutiu-Mutiu Adepoju?
Wilfred Abbona on the 22nd?
Sixteen, 1994 World Cup Greece team list?
Second place Eve stratos-Apostolakis?
Third place Atana Shos-Kolitsidakis?
No.4, Stroos Manolas?
Fifth place Janice Kalitzakis?
Sixth place Panayiotis-Tsalouhidis?
Seventh place Demetrius dimitris saravakos?
Nikos Norbulias on the 8th?
Nikos-Mahlas 9?
10 Anastasios-Mitro Paulos?
No. 1 1 Nichols-for takis?
Spiros Marangos?
No. 13 Wajos-Kara Dzhanis?
14 Vasilis Dimitriadis?
15 Nice, Cristos-Hakama?
16 Alexis-Alesiudes?
17 Minas-Handidis?
18 Kyriacos-Karatai tees?
19 sabas-Coffedes?
Ilias-Apostolakis on 20th?
No.265438 +0 Alexander-Alexander Reese?
Alexander alessio, 22nd?
17, 1994 World Cup Italy?
1 gianluca-pagliuca?
Second place luigi apolloni?
Antonio benarrivo on the 3rd?
No.4 Alessandro costacurta?
No.5 Paolo Maldini?
Number six, Franco Baresi?
Seventh place lorenzo Minotti?
Roberto Mussi, number 8?
No.9 Mauro-Tassotti?
Robert baggio?
1 1 demetrio-albertini?
12 Luca Mache Ghianni?
13 dino baggio?
14 nicola berti?
Antonio Kong Di?
Robert Donadoni?
17 El Berigaud-Evany?
18 pierre Luigi-pierre Luigi casiraghi?
19 Daniel massaro?
Giuseppe Signori 20?
2 1 gianfranco zola?
Luca bucci on the 22nd?
18, 1994 World Cup Irish team list?
No.65438 +0 Bucky-Bonner?
Second place Dennis Owen?
Terry Phelan, number three?
Kevin moran 4?
Paul mcgrath 5?
Roy keane 6?
Andy Townsend 7?
Raymond houghton on the 8th?
John Aldridge on the 9th?
John Sheridan?
No 1 1 steve staunton?
12 gary kelly?
No. 13 Allen Conahan?
14 Phil Barber?
Tommy Kony?
Tony Cascarino?
Eddie McGoldrick?
18 Ronald Whelan?
No. 19 Allen Alan McLoughlin?
David kelly on the 20th?
No.265438 +0 Zhan Sen-McCarter?
Alan kelly Jr. on the 22nd?
19, 1994 World Cup Mexico team list?
1 jorge campos?
Claudio suarez 2?
Number three, juan ramirez Pelaes?
Fourth place ignacio-Ann Bouriche?
Ramon Ramirez 5?
Marcelino Bienert on the 6th?
Carlos hermosillo 7?
Garcia-Aspe is on the 8th?
Hugo sanchez on the 9th?
10 luis garcia?
No. 1 1 Alves sage?
12 felix fernandez?
13 Juan Chavez?
14 Joaquin del olmo?
15 Eduardo Espinosa?
Luis Antonio Valdez?
17 Benjamin Galindo?
18 Jose Luis salgado?
19 luis miguel El Salvador?
Jorge rodriguez on the 20th?
2 1 Raoul Gutierrez?
Adrian Chavez on the 22nd?
14 ignacio Rodriguez?
20. 1994 World Cup Norway team list?
Eric Sol Tswett?
Gunnar Halle on the 2nd?
Third place, Alan Johnson?
Rune No.4-Brass?
Fifth place Stig Buyoneby?
Jostein Flo 6?
Eric Mykland 7?
O' Oeyvind Leon Hudson is on the 8th?
Jane Fjortoft on the 9th?
10 Kjetil-rekdal?
No. 1 1 Jan Jacobson?
12 Flod-grodas?
13 Ola-Blisse?
Roger Nelson?
15 Carl Peter Loken?
16 Goran Soros?
17 Dan Eggen?
No. 18 alfhallan?
Roald-strand Street 19?
Henningberg on the 20th?
Lassbo Hinon, 22nd?
2 1 day, 1994 World Cup Dutch team list?
1 Ed de Goy?
Second place, Frank Delporte?
Frank rijkaard number three?
Fourth place Ronald Coleman?
Number five, Robert Weizger?
Jane Waters from number six?
Marco overmars on the 7 th?
Eighth WIM- Ke Jun?
Ronald Delporte on the 9th?
10 dennis bergkamp?
Brian Roy?
John bosman?
13 Edwin van der sar?
14 ulrich-van Goebbels?
15 danny blind?
16 arthur newman?
Gaston Taument?
18 stanvalks?
Peter Van Vossen?
Aaron Winter 20?
2 1 John Defoe?
ZEO arrives in Snelders on the 22nd?
22nd, 1994 World Cup Belgium?
1 Michel preholm?
Dick Medved.
Number three is important. Bockelman?
Fourth place Felipe Albert?
Rudy Schmidt 5?
Lorenzo Staelens, number six?
No.7 Frankie van de elster?
Luc nilis on the 8th?
No.9 Marco de Glazer?
10 Vicenzo-schiff?
No. 1 1 Alexander zhanyatinsky?
Philip de Wilde?
Georges grun?
Michelle Divov?
15 Marco Eimers?
16 Danny Boffin?
17 Josh Weber?
18 Marco Wilmotz?
No. 19 Eric van Meyer?
Dany Verlinden on the 20th?
Stefani Van der Heyden?
Pascal Rainier on the 22nd?
23. 1994 World Cup Morocco?
1 Harriell-azmi?
Second place Nasser Abdullah?
Abdul-Kerim-Hadley on the 3rd?
Fourth place Taha-Harry?
No.5, Mouche Tredge?
No.6 nuodini-nabit?
Mustafa Haji 7?
No.8 Rashid Azzouzi?
Ninth place Mohammed-Chi Chao?
10 Mustafa Hadoy?
1 1 Rashid Dodi?
12 Said-Dehai?
13 Ahmed Bahja?
Ahmed Masbahi?
15 Abby-Hababi?
16 Hassan Nader?
17 Abdul-Slam-Grisi?
18 Rachid Neqrouz?
19 Abd-Al-medzhid-Boyd?
Is hassan kachloul on the 20th?
2 1 mohammed samadi?
22nd, Alaoyi Ashraf?
24. 1994 World Cup Saudi team lineup?
1? Muhammad Diyaya?
2? Abdalla, Seth Dosari?
3? Mohammed Sylla d?
4? Abdullah Zubromawi?
5? Ahmed Madani?
6? Fuad Amin?
7? Farhad Gehiyan?
8? Farhad Bishop?
9? Magid mohammed?
10? Saeed Orwitt?
1 1? Farhad Melgar Le?
12? Sammy Jaber?
13? Muhammad Jawad?
14? Khalid Muwalid?
15? Abdullah, who are you?
15? Saleh-Dade?
16? Tarad Jebron?
17? Yassir Evy?
18? Awad Anazi?
19? Hansa Saleh?
20? Hansa Falatah?
2 1? Hussein Sadik?
22? Ibrahim-hull