1958, Yin Hua is 16 years old. Guo Qinglan and Ke went to India to visit relatives. Before going abroad, Premier Zhou summoned them and said to zhina, India, "Your father came to support us in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and you should also learn Hindi. In the future, like your father, you should take some students to India and participate in their construction! "
On August 8th, 1958, the plane landed in Mumbai. They were warmly welcomed at the airport. Yin Hua's grandmother is over 70 years old, and she and Ke Dihua's brothers and sisters are finally looking forward to Ke Dihua's wife and son. Guo Qing Lan and Ke spent a whole 2 1 day in the warm ocean and returned to China with the friendship of the Indian people. Unfortunately, when she finished college in zhina and was ready to go to work,1June, 967, she died of a medical error. However, the bridge of friendship built by Dr. Ke Dihua with his life is eternal, and his name will always be remembered by the Chinese and Indian people.