"I am Jude. That's right. I was born in Tarso of Kiribati. In this city-Jerusha, who grew up cold, ... was taught at the foot of Gamaliel ... "(Zong 22: 2). Paul briefly explained his birth and background to those who wanted to arrest him. He admitted that he was Jewish, but he was born in a foreign country, Tarso City. It is said that Paul's ancestors moved to Tarso from Jiskala (southern Hieronymus: Deviris illustribus.51PL 26.617). ), he may have won Rome during the term of the Roman Tribune Andoni.
At the beginning of AD, Paul was born in this mixed city. He was a contemporary of Jesus. Paul originally belonged to the Benjamin tribe, and his parents may be Ji. Considering the King Sauer born in this tribe, he was named Sauer-now translated as Saul by Yixi Lavin, and there is also a Roman name: Paul, which means "tiny".
Paul's parents are very enthusiastic Jews and belong to the Pharisee Party. Therefore, Paul was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. When he grew up, he was immediately taught the law of Moses and the teachings of his ancestors. 1 1: L Phil. 3: 5-6 cases, 22: L-5, etc. ).