What organizations are Kurdish armed forces and is elements?
Is is a terrorist organization "Islamic State" developed from the Iraqi branch of Al Qaeda led by baghdadi. Its main force is Islamic Sunni extremists, and it is said that many mercenaries from western countries are involved. They hope to unify the Islamic world, establish a "pure" Islamic country led by baghdadi, and rule the occupied areas with extremely cruel Islamic laws. At present, they are public enemies of the world. Kurds are the fifth largest ethnic group in Central Asia, but they are distributed in Turkey, Iraq, Syria and other countries. They have always wanted to establish their own country "Kurdistan", but they were all suppressed by the host country. So the Kurds established their own armed forces to confront the host government, and gained some de facto autonomy. After the rise of is, it attacked Kurdish-controlled areas and occupied a large area of land. In order to curb the expansion of is forces, the international community has increased its assistance to Kurdish armed forces.