For those who can walk, you can be both rigid and flexible; Can advance and retreat, can be weak and strong. Don't move like a mountain, unpredictable as yin and yang; Infinite as heaven and earth, fu
For those who can walk, you can be both rigid and flexible; Can advance and retreat, can be weak and strong. Don't move like a mountain, unpredictable as yin and yang; Infinite as heaven and earth, full as Taicang; majestic
If the husband is a general, he can go and be both rigid and flexible; Can advance and retreat, can be weak and strong. Don't move like a mountain, unpredictable as yin and yang; Infinite as heaven and earth, full as Taicang; Vast as the four seas, dazzling as three lights. Predict astronomical drought and flood, and predict the geographical health of the prophet; Look at the time of the battle and infer the enemy's shortcomings. Hey, I have no younger generation, I go against the sky; The anti-thief who helped usurp the country claimed to be the emperor in Luoyang; Xiegu stepped down from the beaten army and Chen Cang was drenched; Land and water are trapped, and people are rampant; Throw away the armor of the surplus suburbs and the swords and guns on the ground; The governor's heart is broken and his gallbladder is cracked. The general has escaped, and the wolf is busy! How dare you enter the hall of the Prime Minister's House without meeting the elders in Guanzhong! Historians recorded it with a pen, and the people spread it with one voice: Zhong Da heard of the war, and Zidan wandered around watching the wind! Our army is strong and Ma Zhuang, and the tiger generals are brave and fight with the dragon; Sweep Qinchuan for Pyongyang and waste land for Wei! (I recited it when I saw the Three Kingdoms, and I felt very domineering. Hope to adopt. )