Find the right resume cover material and open it in photoshop. Open the channel and find the blue channel with the strongest contrast between light and shade. Copy the channel. And Ctrl+ left mouse button, select the selection tool, reverse the selection, and use the "narrow selection" tool to remove the text selection. Don't cancel the selection, click the RGB channel, go back to the layer, and Ctrl+J copy the selection to the new layer to cancel the selection. Copy a new layer and delete a pattern at will (if the picture size is too large, you can use the cropping tool to get the appropriate size). Save the picture in png format. Insert it into word, copy it, and set the picture to float above the text. Adjust the position of the picture.
The last step is to improve the resume cover. Add some text. In word, it is best to use a text box to add text to the cover of your resume. In the formatting of the text box, both the fill and the border are selected to be colorless.
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