Generally, you don't get extra points. University societies will not add credits, but colleges will add comprehensive quality points when evaluating scholarships. Credit is a unit of measurement used to calculate students' learning volume. Calculated by semester, the specific academic achievements of each course and practice link shall be subject to the provisions of the professional teaching plan.
Mass organizations (English name: mass organizations) are mutually beneficial organizations composed of people with certain common characteristics and hobbies. The full name of a social organization refers to a social organization composed of certain personnel for a certain purpose.
It can be divided into for-profit and for-profit social organizations. The former, such as cooperatives and companies; The latter is political, religious, scientific, cultural, artistic, charitable and other social mass organizations. In addition to a certain number of people, the establishment of social organizations needs to formulate articles of association and register with relevant authorities, and some must apply for permission according to law.