Washington Square and Greenwich Village were once the residences of famous writers and poets such as Mark Twain and Edgar Rampo, and the cultural scenery nearby was vividly depicted in their works. 12500 professors and students of new york university are arranged to live in 2 1 dormitory near the square, and students can study on campus by university bus.
New york University (NYU) ranks among the best in all kinds of universities and is listed as one of the new Ivy League schools.
New york University ranks 27th in academic ranking of world universities. Business school 20 14 ranking 10. In the ranking of postgraduate disciplines, art ranks in the United States1; Journalism and French rank in the top 3; Operations research, finance, marketing, accounting, Russian and business administration are all in the forefront of 10; Industrial psychology, computer science, English, economics, clinical psychology, linguistics, sociology, classical literature, German, physics, biochemistry, psychology and anthropology are all in the top 30.
New york University is a private research university located in new york, USA. It is also one of the top universities in the world located in the center of new york. Founded in 183 1, the school has become the largest private non-profit higher education institution in the United States.