1. What grade is Jilin Normal University?
Jilin Normal University is a higher-level university among the non-university institutions. Jilin Normal University has achieved good results in the ranking of universities in China and the subject evaluation of the Ministry of Education.
Second, the ranking of Jilin Normal University in the country
In 20021China university ranking, Jilin Normal University ranked 266th.
In the ranking of China University Alumni Association in 2022, Jilin Normal University ranked 253rd;
In the ranking of China Science and Education Network 202 1 China University, Jilin Normal University ranks 344th.
According to the ranking data of many universities in China, Jilin Normal University ranks between 253-344 and ranks among the top 2,756 universities in China. Therefore, Jilin Normal University is a good university with high national recognition.
Third, the size of the school.
The school has two campuses, Siping and Changchun, covering an area of 6,543,800 square meters and a building area of 680,000 square meters. Total value of fixed assets is17438+0 million yuan; The library has 2,260,800 books; There are 19 colleges, 1 teaching departments, 1 doctoral degree authorization points, 1 doctoral talent training plan serving the special needs of the country, 20 master's degree authorization points, and1master's degree authorization points. There are 66 undergraduate majors, full-time undergraduates 18340, and 3277 graduate students. Faculty 1630.