When you go to college, your outlook on education must begin to change. Many people say that universities are self-taught, but self-taught universities are different. If high school education is in cramming education, university education is more like a guide to show you where your destination is, and then go by yourself. University knowledge is acquired by oneself, but the guidance and guidance of university tutors is also very important. Simply put, if you find that you can't go on, or you find yourself going in the wrong direction, the tour guide can take you back to the main road and put you on the right path. The university is the leader. He told you that if you study like this, you won't go astray. As for whether you can reach the finish line, it depends on your own efforts. The guide here is one of the values of the university.
If you teach yourself, you may be on the road or go astray. If you walk on the road, you don't know how far you are from the finish line. You may have covered 10 km, you have covered 1 km, but you don't know how many kilometers will end, and you will be confused. However, the university will tell you: Congratulations, you have already walked 1 km, and it is 9 km from the finish line after refueling. If you go astray, you walk 10 kilometers, but in fact you are still 20 kilometers away from the finish line; When the university finds that you have gone astray, it will pull you back, straighten you out, and tell you where the end point is, and you should continue to go there. If you teach yourself, go alone. If you go to college, you will go with a lot of people and have a companion.
But the road still needs you to go by yourself step by step.
This is the so-called college self-study way.
College may be your only last day of long-term study.
This point, friends who have no job have no experience. Who gets on and who gets off happens to be the time when his parents are healthy and have the highest economic level, but he is single, has no family burden, no responsibility to take care of children, and has no work and task pressure. As long as you haven't stepped into the society at this time, you are likely to enjoy a long continuous learning time without trivial interference in college. And this is the opportunity that the university gives you, and it is also the benefit of the university.
If you start work early, your family's expectations for you will begin to change, and you will be asked to support your family, get married, buy a house, have children, climb up in your work and earn more money. And learning has taken a back seat. I don't know how many lines. If you want to study again, you won't find much time to settle down and study. Even if there is, how many minds are there to study with all kinds of pressures and temptations?
So you bought time and opportunity. Cherish your college time, study hard, and strive to improve yourself during college.