This degree provides you with a solid foundation in mechanical engineering. It covers all the key points, with emphasis on modeling and design. You will be introduced to business and management in an engineering environment, and you will complete a project in your field of interest.
In the first five semesters, you will follow the core syllabus of mechanical engineering, mathematics and management foundation. Courses cover mathematics, applied dynamics, fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, applied thermodynamics, mechanical properties of materials and electrical and electronic engineering.
First year
Core courses:
Basic math skills and techniques. Basic math skills and skills.
Basic engineering science: 1 part of basic engineering science: 1 part
Autumn comprehensive project
Basic Engineering Science: Part II
Spring comprehensive project
Global engineering challenge week
Second year
Core courses:
Circuit diagram of a circuit
Engineering-you're hired. Project-hired
Engineering modeling mathematics engineering modeling mathematics
Calculation and numerical method calculation and numerical method
Structural and mechanical dynamics structural and mechanical dynamics
Deformation solid mechanics
Heat transfer spreads heat.
Engineering component design
material processing
Fluid engineering
Design of structures, machines and systems.
Manage engineering projects and teams Manage engineering projects and teams.
Engineer Finance and Law
Third year
At level 3, you can choose one of the following streams:
Integrity of materials and components Integrity of materials and components
Advanced engineering thermodynamic cycle
Manufacturing system
Professional responsibility of engineers
survey items
Mechanical engineers control engineering.
Comprehensive design skills
One-year mechanical engineering
Study abroad year
Biomechanics mechanical engineering
Integrity of materials and components Integrity of materials and components
Advanced engineering thermodynamic cycle
Group design project