Help: List all the secrets in the game.
Help [cheatname]: Displays information about a specific secret.
Exit: Close the secret window.
Enlarge: increase or decrease the secret window. Enter Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C to enter the secret state, and enter move_objects on (you can move any object) to buy a standing one and invite someone to take a bath. Before going in, when there is a mosaic on the bus, click on the purchase model, click on the person, grab the person aside, and then go.
Kaching = plus 1000 yuan
Exit = exit
Expand = extends the cheating window.
MoveObjects on = Turn on the movement of objects.
MoveObjects off = turns off the movement of objects.
Start the aging of the sims.
Turn off the aging of the sims.
AutoPatch -on = Turn on automatic game update.
AutoPatch -off = Turn off automatic game updates.
SlowMotion # = lets you set the speed of the game. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)
Moving objects on/off: cancel the area restriction of all objects in the purchase and construction modes. Remove the restriction that manual tools cannot move objects in use. As we all know, this command will lead to problems in game structure, routing, hidden object formation and management. Using this command will allow you to delete objects that cannot be deleted, such as Sims, mailboxes and trash cans. However, if you delete these things, you can't recover them, so please use them with caution!
Aging on/off: prevent sims from growing and aging. This will disturb the balance of the game and stop the growth of the Sims forever, so please use this command carefully. Cheating code aging is permanent, and the next input will take effect until you use aging.
Automatic Patch On/Off: This command allows you to restart the automatic update option in sims 2. Just turn on your automatic update function and enter the custom content browser (the little snowflake icon button in the community console). If the game has a new update file, you will be asked if you want to download it.
SlowMotion [value]: The secret of slow motion is set by parameters, and its [value] parameter is the' slow motion value' you want to set (such as slowMotion 4). Numbers range from 0 to 8, with 0 representing normal speed and 8 representing the slowest speed.
Boolprop Post-processing true/false: Post-processing secrets after startup (see below). Very useful for film production (see below). Please note that you must have a graphics card that supports pixel shaders to successfully use this secret technology. If you use this secret technology without supporting pixel coloring, your screen is likely to be partially dark until you turn it off for post-processing. If you turn on post-processing and open the movie, you may also see bad defects in the image when the movie is playing.
Bloom [r g b x] (rgb is color) (X is the total amount of bloom) [0.0- 1.0]: This secret technique will increase the fuzzy effect, like the special effects in the memories in TV dramas. BoolProp enablePostProcessing must be set to true to use this security technology.
Vignette [center x centery x] [0.0-1.0]: Adds a blur effect from a specific center point. For example, using "vignetting 0.5 0.5 0.5" will slightly blur the edge of the screen, and vignetting 0.5 0.5 1.0 is the highest edge blur. BoolProp enablePostProcessing must be set to true to use this security technology.
FilmCGRAIN [val] [0.0-1.0]: This secret technology makes the screen appear in granular form. BoolProp enablePostProcessing must be set to true to use this security technology.
LetterBox [val] [0.0-0.4]: Add a mailbox effect to the screen. BoolProp enablePostProcessing must be set to true to use this security technology.
Press shift+ctrl+c on the keyboard to open the cheat code dialog box:
Boolprop controls pets [on/off]
-Make pets fully controllable, but you can't cancel the action from their queue.
Control the pet, but you can't cancel the setting action.
Boolprop disablepuppykitening [true/false]
-Turn off the aging of kittens and puppies
Turn off the age limit for cats and dogs
Boolprop PetActionCancel[ true/false]
-Normally, you can't cancel actions in the pet queue, but this change makes these actions accessible.
Cancel the setup operation.
Boolprop showcatalogpflags [true/false]
-Activate the labels in the detailed view of each purchase mode and construction mode object (except floor or wall covering) to show which product (EP or SP) they come from.
Label details of items (excluding wallpaper and floor) that activate the purchase and construction mode, showing the manufacturer.
Boolprop pets freewill[ true/false]
-Turn off pets' free will.
Shut down the pet's free will
Delete all content
-Delete all awnings on the plot.
Delete all sheds in the house.
Delete all fences
-Delete all fences on the plot.
Delete all fences
Delete all half walls
—Delete all half walls on the plot.
Delete all half walls
Delete all objects [doors/windows/stairs]
—Delete all doors, windows, or stairs on the plot.
Delete all doors, windows or stairs
Delete all walls
—Delete all walls on the plot.
Delete all walls
Angle of single roof slope [15/75]
—Activate the tool to modify the roof slope of an individual roof on the plot.
Edit roof inclination
Get 50,000 yuan of analog coins: MotherLode presses shift+ctrl+c on the keyboard to open the cheat code dialog box:
Kaching = plus 1000 yuan
Exit = exit
Expand = extends the cheating window.
MoveObjects on = open the moving object.
MoveObjects off = closes the moving object.
Aging = age continues to grow.
Stop aging [don't get old]
AutoPatch -on = Turn on automatic game update.
AutoPatch -off = Turn off automatic game updates.
SlowMotion # = lets you set the speed of the game. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)
The rest of the secrets below must be supported by "post-processing"!
BoolProp post-processing true = Open post-processing.
BoolProp post-processing false = Turn off post-processing.
Bloom rgb # = Flashback Blur Effect of Sitcom (# = 0.0 to 1.0)
Halo # # = Blurred point at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0)
Film Grain # = Grains the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0)
Mailbox # = Adds a mailbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4)
The following are all the known secrets of sims 2. There may be more scammers coming in the future. Once the game is here, this part will be improved with pictures.
This is the secret technology of TS2 that can be used and known at present, and there will be more in the future. After the game comes out, this chapter will be explained more clearly with pictures.
To open the cheat box, hold down Ctrl, SHIFT and c and press enter.
The way to open the cheat code is to press Ctrl, SHIFT, C and ENTER at the same time. )
Enter the following instructions in the cheat code:
& gt& gtKaching:
Deposit 1 0,000 Simon Leon into your bank account.
(get $ 1000 simulation currency)
& gt& gt Automatic patch on/off:
This allows the game to find automatically.
Used for game patches.
(Toggles the function of automatically searching for repair files)
. & gt& gt Turn moving objects on/off:
Move the object. (Switch to Moving Objects)
& gt& gt Aging On/Off:
Turn aging off/on. (Switch aging)
& gt& gt Vertical synchronization on/off:
Turning it off can improve game performance, but
There is a graphic error.
(TS2 can run smoothly when it is closed, but the image will be problematic. )
& gt& gt Delete all characters:
Neighborhood deception; Delete all
Sims nearby.
(Cheating code used in the community map-delete all citizens in the community)
& gt& gt terrain type desert/temperate zone:
This can only be used in neighbor view.
And switch between the two terrain types.
This can only be used in community maps. There can be two different types.
Surface: desert, grassland.
For film production (making short films)
& gt& gt move slowly 0-8:
0 means normal speed, and 8 means slowest.
(Slow down the playback speed, 0 is normal, 8 is the slowest)
& gt> handle true/false after boolprop is enabled:
It's true for all movie liars.
It must be true to play a role in making cheating films. )
The following cheating must meet the following conditions: the computer graphics card must be able to handle pixel shaders.
The graphics card of your computer should have the function of changing pixel color. )
& gt& gt bloom (r g b x):
Create a cinematic effect.
Bright and fuzzy together (a sitcom
Flashback) "R", "G" and "B" are colors
Value (0-255), "x" is the quantity.
Flowering from 0 to 255.
This will make the color of the film very bright and fuzzy, just like
The effect of flashback. "r", "g" and "b"
Is the color. X is the value of increasing color, from 0 to 255.
& gt& gt illustration (center x center x):
Create a movie-like effect
The dot is clear, but everything around it is
It's vague. You must first center boolprop.
Enable post-processing true.
(Before using this, you should type "boolprop".
Enablpostporcessing ture”。 This enables you to mainly
Things are clear, but everything around them is fuzzy. )
& gt& gt film grain (0- 1):
Produce film graininess. Must first
Enter boolprop to enable post-processing
That's right. "(Please enter boolprop before using this.
Enablpostporcessing”。 There can be particles on the screen.
The effect. )
& gt& gt mailbox (0.0-0.4):
Creates a mailbox view of the specified size.
You must first enter boolprop.
Enablepostprocessing true "(must be entered before using this option.
Enter boolprop enableportprocessing culture.
This can make it look like a movie screen, that is, there are two black lines up and down.
[Effect after "="]
Motherlode can add 50000 at a time, and kaching can only add 1000.
You can get more vacation time.
Disease and death can die in many ways: colds, flu, pneumonia, food poisoning, morning sickness and viruses.
If the "expected return" is used together, the effect will be better. For example, if your SIM wears a "thinking hat" and then gives your toddler "smart milk", the child will learn skills four times as fast as before. ! !
Wow! There are many new elements and cheating codes in universities.
As before, click shift+ctrl+c to activate the cheat code dialog box.
1)changelot zoning[ residence | community | fraternity | dormitory | secret society]. Be careful not to enter "[","]" and | "when typing. This password is to modify the nature of the house. Residential is a residential building, community is a public place, greek is a student club, dorm is a dormitory, and secretsociety is a secret organization.
2) Boolprop dormspecific tools disabled true/false. With false, you can build walls, foundations, etc. In the dormitory. By default, games can't build walls in dormitories.
3)boolProp allows 45-degree rotation, true/false. With true, you can tilt the furniture at a 45-degree angle!
Please note that press the keyboard, and. Rotate 45 degrees to the left and right.
4) sethighesttallowed level (5-11). This is the highest floor that can be built. Do not enter parentheses. Eurometric maximum 1 1 layer, 12 is wrong!
Other original cheat codes can be use. But skipping classes in college is ineffective. Because universities count their ages by semester.
Press ctrl+SHIF+C.
Change zoning residence
ChangeLotZoning community is a public place.
ChangeLotZoning Greek is a student club.
dormitory area
The ChangeLotZoning secretsociety is a secret organization.
Note: after input, you need to save it, exit the community, and then input it again to become the property of the changed house.
First, ensure that "creativity" reaches a certain level, so that clicking on the sketchpad has the option of drawing still life;
Then draw a still life, and the game pauses to wait for the shot;
Press c at will to pause the game;
Alt+Tab switches out;
Find my documents-> EA game-> Sims 2->; stroytelling
There are snapshot.bmp and snapshot.bmp in it;
The former is the panorama at the time of framing, and the latter is the picture in the frame.
Replace snapshot.bmp with any graphics you like.
Alt+Tab returns to the game and continues to draw. ..
1. ctrl+shift+c in the game is on the home screen (recommended by the home screen menu).
Then: boolprop test cheating enabled true
Then, click on all the attributes of your villain (needs, skills, relationships, etc.). ) and pull it to the right, all the attributes will increase or decrease (the relationship between people needs to be pulled by both people to be a bilateral relationship).
2. Hold down the shift key and click on the villain or neighbor, and several interesting options will appear.
3. Similarly, shift+ click on the item, and many interesting options will appear.
4. Hold down ctrl on the icon of desire, and click with the left mouse button: refresh the demand/fear manually, and force your demand/fear! (Automatic addition and subtraction)
Ctrl+ click desire: satisfy needs/fears.
When creating a new family: You can choose all the clothes/hairstyles in the game.
Shift+ click on the item: there will be hidden options (such as breaking the item ...)
Shift+ click on people: the hide option will appear (see the figure below).
Cheer up: encourage each other
Eggs ... tombstones of l and d: a tombstone appears.
Anyone (of any gender and age) can be randomly created (controllable).
Users can have children in real time, get pregnant (you can choose alien children), accelerate pregnancy, increase interpersonal relationships among people in the place, and bring anyone present into the family.
Age baby: randomly create a baby (male)
Age baby: randomly create a baby (female)
New toddler boy: randomly create a child (male)
New toddler: Create a child (female) at random.
New baby boy: Create a baby (boy) at random.
New girl: Create a child (girl) at random.
New young men: randomly create young people (men)
New girl: creating youth at random (female)
New Adult Male: Create an adult male at random.
New adult female: create an adult female at random.
New old man: randomly create old man (male)
Old and new women: randomly create old people (women)
Join the family: turn sims into family members.
Age-changing movies: changing age (entering the next age group)
Age transition: changing age (entering the next age group)
Add Neighbors to Family ...: Turn the neighbors you choose into family.
Get family members ...: bring a relative.
Let me be a child of the family: (undetermined)
Rename Sims: Rename Sims.
Show parents and siblings: Show kinship.
Let me be friendly to everyone here: improve the interpersonal relationship with the people there.
Get me pregnant as an alien: pregnant (an alien's child)
Be pregnant with ..: Be pregnant with "XX".
Accelerate my pregnancy: accelerate my pregnancy.
Newborn: A new child
CINECAM baby: real-time delivery of babies
Add XXX to the family: Add "Name" to the family (controllable).
Set batch export: (undetermined)
* baldness: baldness
* Baldness: the opposite of the above.
Exercise current clothes: fitness (wearing ordinary clothes)
Yoga-clothes now: yoga (wearing ordinary clothes)
Rodney's Death Creator: A tombstone appears (for killing).
You can only kill people you can control. First control the person you want to kill, and then click on the tombstone and there will be many ways to die. If you click it, people will die.
Die of old age: die of old age
Be killed by a satellite: Be killed by a satellite
Die of fright: be killed
Die of flies: Be surrounded by flies
Starvation: starvation
Burn to death: burn to death
Death by electric shock: electrocution
Drowning: drowning
To die of illness: die
If you can't exit/save, just enter boolprop Test Cheating Enable False.
However, in case of special events, the deceased/social worker may not be able to quit/save.
Hold down the shift key and click your character ... The hidden menu comes out! To hide the item, select More-> Oviposition->; The tombstones of L and D will pop up in the same place, and you can choose by clicking on them, but they are all in English, and everyone should understand them.
Some of them make children, babies, old people, kill people, and bring anyone present into the family ... How do you ask to have sex with death? The simplest thing is to choose spawn-& gt;; Rodney's death creator, a killing machine, kills any member of your family, and death comes, and then pulls him into the family with the tombstones of L and D.
When you create a new family, you can choose all the costumes in the game, the appearance of aliens and all the NPC costumes and hairstyles in the game. ...
Oviposition->; Rodney's Death Creator: Let users choose the way to be killed ... (electric shock, burn, drowning, satellite killing, fly killing, etc.).
Oviposition->; Tombstones of L and D: Let users get pregnant with anyone's child (just like an incubator) and accelerate their growth. Pull the mouse directly to the green relationship between the characters on the right: enhance feelings, pull to the left: feelings deteriorate (unilaterally, if you pull everyone to 100, the other party will still be 0, and you will receive countless calls the next day to tell you that friendship has deteriorated).
Hold down ctrl on the desire icon, and click with the left mouse button: manually refresh the needs/fears (commonly known as shuffling and regenerating all the desires/fears).
Hold down ctrl+ left mouse button and click personal desire/fear: force your needs/fears! (Automatic addition and subtraction)
Holding down the mouse can manually change a character's skills/interests/personality/needs-> full of needs, full of interests, full of skills, etc. (This can be the Sims with the worst personality! )
On the menu of creating a new family, before creating the first Sims: press and hold shift+N: activate all clothes/hairstyles-> In this case, you can directly choose social bunnies, with military uniforms, death robes, spacesuits and skeletons as the initial costumes. There is a dress that is "nothing", and it is a floating head after choosing it.
Hold down shift+ left mouse button on any item: activate the hiding operation, such as setting the toilet to the dirtiest, which is convenient for story making.
Chance card tester, you can look at the random event answers of various occupations.
Paul's reaction tester makes the villain do all kinds of actions.
The scene tester changes the villain's expectations.
That thing in Tom's clothes is just like the wardrobe patch that simcat sent before.
Cheer up, it's a bit interesting, usually just an option when the other person is sick, and it has the same effect as flirting.
Cas resets the external relationship of the family, just like packaging the whole family.
The MakeMeSick tester makes the villain suffer from various diseases.
Pneumonia in Europe
food poisoning
Give me a cold.
Because this cheat sheet is used for official debugging and testing, it will make mistakes if it is changed too much. ...
In addition, if there is an exit/save problem-typing Boolprop test cheating, enabling False should be able to close debugmode and exit/save, but if there is a special event, death/social workers (people who will take their children away from home if you don't take good care of them) will not be able to save.