First of all, the exam is to test our academic performance, and a person's academic performance is linked to his own exam results. If we study only for the exam and don't read or review after the exam, then the exam may be meaningless. And subjectively, you can't hold the idea of exam-oriented learning.
Secondly, learning is to enable us to keep up with the development of society and enrich a person's connotation. We don't study for exams. We have been learning, talking, walking and using tools since we were born. From trivial matters to academic achievements, we are all learning. The results of these studies will be transformed into our knowledge. If we choose to forget after each study, why do we choose to study?
Finally, examination is not the purpose of study, but the purpose of study is for us to innovate constantly in our future posts or occupations and reflect our own life value. One's knowledge needs to be accumulated continuously. To a certain extent, he can "decorate" a person's temperament, self-restraint and other invisible but real things.
Examination is only a stepping stone to the threshold of the past, not the purpose of learning. The purpose of our study should be to enrich ourselves, enrich our lives and reflect our own life value. College exams are just a few simple exams in life, and there are still many exams on our way home, and these exams need constant accumulation and study. A person's outlook on life, values and world outlook will also change with learning. If we study for exams every time, then the university may no longer be a university.
The knowledge gained through study can give us an advantage in exams and make choices in life. The exam is just an exam, which means nothing. It is ok to pass the college exam, but it is not enough to pass the life exam. It may take people to accumulate constantly to pass the life exam.