For the specific tuition fee of the exam-free mba, the price of well-known schools will be relatively high, because each school will decide according to the different students' foundation, learning ability and learning goals. Each student's foundation is different and his learning ability is different. Students with solid foundation can easily accept more difficult knowledge, while students with poor foundation need to constantly consolidate what they have learned in order to better accept new knowledge. Better teachers can help students consolidate their knowledge and improve their learning ability. Students with good foundation need to spend less time and energy than students with poor foundation, so the cost will be lower accordingly.
Take business school netherlands as an example. Business school netherlands is an applied university recognized by the Dutch government and one of the largest business schools in the Netherlands. BSN focuses on degree study and business management training at graduate level or above. With its excellent educational quality and successful educational methods, BSN has successively obtained three international certifications, namely NVAO, ACBSP and EDUQUA, making it one of the few world-class business schools with three important international certifications.
Business school netherlands BSN MBA and DBA are on-the-job students, who are exempt from the joint entrance examination, attend classes on weekends and practice teaching with action learning method, which is more suitable for on-the-job managers.
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