2. The University of Zurich is a state university in Switzerland, located in the German-speaking area of Zurich. Founded in 1833, the University of Zurich is the largest comprehensive university in Switzerland, with 7 colleges, 140 institutes, 425 professors and more than 25,000 students. The University of Zurich enjoys a world reputation in the fields of molecular biology, neuroscience and anthropology, and has trained a large number of influential figures in Switzerland and around the world, including Einstein and others 12 Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine. Many of its graduates have become important figures in Swiss politics and business. The University of Zurich is a member of the European Union of Research Universities and the International Union of Boden Lake University. The University of Zurich is the most extensive university in the field of teaching and research in Switzerland. There are seven colleges, including theological seminary, law school, school of economics, medical college, Swiss Veterinary College, Shirley College and School of Mathematics and Science. The University of Zurich offers undergraduate, master's and doctoral higher education, and its majors include law, human medicine, computer science, theology, economics, religion and social sciences.
Is the master of logistics engineering an unpopular or popular major? Which school is better for this major?
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