Wei Ji, whose name is Zhong Fang, is from Xiaoshan. During Yongle period, Songjiang secretariat was awarded the vice list of Jinshi. I often send tea and porridge to all the students in the evening. All the students are very excited and have achieved a lot. Teacher Kui recommended me to move to Dr. Taichang.
Xuandechu moved to the official department to test the merits of Yuan Wailang. After three years of orthodoxy, he tried to call assistant minister Zuo of the official department and ordered him to inspect the locusts in Gideon many times and ask the people about their sufferings. In eight years, I changed the department of rites and found an old man to be an official. Wang Shangshu, the official minister, bluntly said that his horse did not fail. If he misses his old age, let it be simple. Is to change the Nanjing official department. Reply with the old saying, no.14 years into history. Yingzong went hunting in the north, and Ma led the ministries to be responsible for current affairs, and many of them were implemented. In the first year of Jingtai, he was 77 years old and was an official.
Official business is average. Too often, there were two white rabbits in the mountain and river altar. Ruimai was born in the cave, and none of them entered. In the official department, there are scholars who have not finished the exam. The same officer will agree, but the horse can't control it. Because of the drought punishment, the Ministry of Justice has Wang Gang, and if the evil wants to turn over, I still pity it and want to slow down. Ma said, "This woman is very good, and there are unexpected events in the sky. This is the reason. " The prison decided to rain.
In orthodoxy, Wang Zhen's pet, Ling Gongqing, was a serious horse and called "Sir". At the beginning of Jingtai, please go to the capital. A great scholar and a student invited me to say, "Although I was buried in a camp, I never set up a court. I am willing to stay less and do things instead. " Ma Zheng said, "You are an assistant minister, and you should be the best person in the world. You can't have a master. " The retiree said, "You should take the important affairs of the imperial court as your own responsibility and die well." Be an official.
Horse thick, cautious. Gu, don't be a white gentleman. Heng said: "A heart without right and wrong is inhuman." Home, worrying about the country and the people, old and intimate. There are many floods in Xiaoshan, and Ji advocates the construction of snail ponds and ponds to prevent Hongxing Lake. Villagers depend on it. Juheng cloth is eaten, not produced. Brother Shi taught me to give advice, although it was beneficial and respectful. Dai Li is walking in the field. Taste the Qiantang master book and turn it around. Answer "Xiaoshan Wei Jiye". The main book left in a panic.
In the seventh year of Chenghua, he said, "I was appointed as Xiaoshan first, and I saw Wei Ju, the governor, and taught my children and grandchildren to help the fields, increase dikes and dredge lakes to prevent disasters. Actions should be polite, advocate neo-Confucianism and be backward. Although there are remedial treatments in Lintian, there are many teeth. Begging for the next teacher and taking into account the story of the previous generation. " Dilan gave a sigh. Send pedestrians to ask for directions, give sheep wine and give Mishi three or one months. The mission has not arrived yet. Take sacrifices and funerals as gifts and bury them in peace. His son was buried with his last words, begging for his gold to help the hungry. The emperor suddenly said, "I am a pure minister, if I am afraid of wasting my life." Xu zhi.
Wei Ji was born in Xiaoshan. During Yongle period, he was appointed as an associate degree and taught in Songjiang. Often carry tea porridge late at night to comfort students. The students are very moved and excited, and many of them are very successful. On the recommendation of Shi Kui, he was promoted to Dr. Taichang.
In the early years of Xuande, he was promoted to foreign minister in the official department. After three years of orthodoxy, he was called into probation and left assistant minister. He was repeatedly ordered to inspect the locust plague in the suburbs of Beijing to learn about the disaster. After eight years of orthodoxy, he was appointed as the left assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites, and soon asked to resign and retire because of his high age. Wang Zhi, the official minister, said that Wei Ji is not aging. Considering his age, it is best to order him to get rid of complicated work and do simple things.
So he was appointed as the left assistant minister of Nanjing official department. He resigned again, but the court disagreed. In the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, he was promoted to Shangshu. When Yingzong was captured and returned to the north, Wei Ji led all officials in various departments to criticize the current situation one by one, and most of them were implemented. In the first year of Jingtai, at the age of 77, he resigned and retired.
Wei Ji is an official and knows everything. When he was an official, Shanchuan altar captured a pair of white rabbits, and Ruimai, the head of Gyeonggi, refused to present them to the court. When I was in the official department, a Jinshi's funeral period was not yet full, so he asked for an assessment of my political achievements and sealed an official. Colleagues intended to promise him, but Wei Ji insisted on not agreeing.
Because of the drought, the magistrate sympathized with the prisoners. There is a prisoner named Wang Gang, who has committed a heinous crime and should be sentenced to death. Some people pity his youth and want to reduce his sentence. Wei Ji said, "This is a woman's nature, and heaven is out of date. It is for this reason. " After closing the case according to law, it began to rain.
During the orthodox years, Wang Zhen relied on his luck to humiliate his ministers, but only kept Wei Ji at a respectful distance from others, calling him "Sir". In the early years of Jingtai, Wei Ji went to Beijing to resign. Chen Xun, a college student in Wei Ji, took the opportunity to avoid the crowd and said to Wei Ji, "Although you are slaughtering, you have never been an official in Beijing. Please wait a moment and ask the court to increase your rank and title. This matter depends on Chen Xun and others. "
Wei Ji said seriously: "As an assistant minister, you should recommend talents for the world, and you can't be partial to me just because I am your teacher." Wei Ji later said to people: "How can he have a good result when he takes the affairs of the court as his own business?" Finally resigned, retired, and returned to China.
Wei Ji is upright and upright, strong and upright, and is good at distinguishing between gentlemen and villains. He often says, "He who has no right and wrong can't be a man." Living at home is also worrying about the country and the people, and this feeling is more pure and frank after getting old. Xiaoshan used to be flooded, so Wei Ji proposed to build ponds such as Luoshan and Bigong to intercept the tide of the river and build water conservancy projects.
Villagers make money from it. At home, I have always stretched out my hand with clothes, and I have never paid attention to industry. Wei Qi, the elder brother of the Oracle, is older and more respectful. He often wears a hat and walks in the fields. When he met the master book of Qiantang, the servant scolded him and asked him who he was. He replied, "It's Wei Ji in Xiaoshan". The main book made a hasty apology and left.
In the seventh year of Chenghua, Shi Yuliangyun said: "I first worked in Xiaoshan and saw the rural residence of Wei Ji, the retired history minister, and educated my descendants to be filial, intensively cultivate, build more dams and dig lakes to resist disasters." What you do conforms to etiquette, advocates neo-Confucianism and encourages backwardness. Although Wei Ji lives in Shan Ye, he is good at management and education. He is old and virtuous.
I ask your Majesty to order the competent authorities to commend Wei Ji according to the old practice of the previous generation. "The emperor saw the paper and was amazed. He sent messengers to offer condolences, kicked the sheep to pour wine, and ordered the relevant departments to supply three meters of stone every month. But the messenger and order died before they arrived in Wei Ji. According to the ritual sacrifice, posthumous title Wenjing.
His son Wei Wan, because of Wei Ji's last words, went to court and refused the funeral, begging for gifts to help the hungry. The emperor sighed and said, "Wei Ji's last words were for fear of wasting people's money. He can be described as a loyal minister! " Agreed to Wei Wan's request.
Ming History is the end of the twenty-fourth history, with a total of 332 volumes, including 24 biographies, 75 chronicles, 220 biographies, and table 13. It is a biographical chronology, which records the history of more than 200 years from the first year of Hongwu (A.D. 1368) of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Taizu, to the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, Zhu Youjian (A.D. 1644).
Characteristics of biographical literature in Ming dynasty;
It basically follows the style of the old history, but it also has its innovations. In the Summary of Ming History in Volume 46 of the General Catalogue of Sikuquanshu, it is said: "Thirteen old cases have been handed down from generation to generation, and three new cases, such as Yandang, Rogue and Tusi. Although the marten disaster occurred in the Han and Tang Dynasties, the scholar-bureaucrat wind was attached to it, but the most collaborators were only Ming people. Its evil world is also very cool. Don't send a message, so the source of confusion is not just the punishment of the axe.
As for blindness and communist suppression, it is a lesson to Jiong, which is not the ratio of other clowns, nor the ratio of separatists, so it cannot be done. As for the toast, it was called Jimmy State in ancient times. There is nothing inside, nothing outside, and troubles are easy to sprout. Generally speaking, it was founded in Yuan Dynasty, but flourished in Ming Dynasty. The way of control is different from that of herders and defending enemy countries, so it is a kind of self. It should be said that the creation of biographies of eunuchs, rogues and chieftains really conforms to the actual situation of Ming Dynasty history, highlights the main social problems in Ming Dynasty, and provides relatively concentrated and systematic materials for understanding eunuchs, peasant uprisings and ethnic relations in Ming Dynasty.
This is similar to the creation of "Qi Qing Biao" in each table. Although the intervention of eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty was not as good as that in the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was unprecedented for court officials to grovel to eunuchs. Forty-six people listed in Biography of Yan Dang belong to Liu Jin and the rest belong to Wei Zhongxian. Reading Biographies of Yan Dang, we can know that all the people in the history museum are deeply saddened by the lessons of the demise of the Ming Dynasty.
But compared with "The Biography of Rogues", it feels different. The preface to Biography of Rogues is written from the theory of uprising to the death of Li Zicheng and Zhang. The article said: "Since Tang Saier, it has been easy to put the cart before the horse and spread it to ministers to suppress thieves. Those who are determined to die in the world will establish Li Zicheng and Zhang Chuan. " Among them, Biography of Li Zicheng is more than 10,000 words long, which is the oldest biography in Ming history. From the historian's point of view, although it is mainly a lesson for future generations, it retains relatively rich relevant records, rather than scattered in the biography of the "anti-thief" minister.
Biographies of Ming History are in the form of biographies of classes, which are divided into classes and volumes in biographies of ministers, but not all biographies of father and son Sun. Methods are divided according to things. For example, Volume 122 includes Biography of Guo Zixing, Biography of Han Liner and Biography of Liu Futong. Although they were among the heroes before the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were classified as one volume because of their different relations with Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.
Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng and Heming were combined into one volume, and their profiles were expanded. Chen Youding and Zarawal were combined into one volume. Among ministers, such as Xu Da and Chang Yuchun, there are differences and divisions among them. Mitchell's biography of Emperor Wenjian's legacy is quite detailed, and even those who have rumors can do it as soon as possible, which is also a way for Mitchell to express his love for the adherents.
In the biographies of Ming history, it is also common to see the style of biographical attachment. For example, in 1899' s Biography of Xia Liangsheng, Chen Jiuchuan, Zhang, Xu Wei, Yao and others jointly wrote to the prisoners, and they all jointly wrote to stop Wu Zongnan's prison patrol. Volume 206 Biography of Ma Su is accompanied by Yan Yishou, Nie Xian, Liu Qi, Lu Qiong, Li Jian, etc.
For example, Pang Shu, a Chinese imperial historian, said: "According to Li Tong prison, sin benefited. At that time, more than 40 gentry were poisoned and the disaster of changing clothes was very tragic." This attachment is quoted in the comments of historians after the biography and is considered to be the reason why colleagues attached it. This kind of attached biography is too numerous to mention in the history of Ming Dynasty.
Another feature of the Qing Dynasty's revision of Ming History is that it hides the war history between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty in Liaodong. As for the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty, those who worked as officials such as the governor's town patrol, all cut stories in Liao country when Qing people were compiling history. For example, Wang Ao, Bing, Zhao Fu, Peng Yi, Cheng Xin, etc. There are biographies in the history of Ming Dynasty. However, whether they govern or conquer the country, they all have their own advantages, but they were omitted in the Ming history. If a few words are involved, it is impossible to see why the tribes are in trouble and why.
For some inevitable people, the Qing Dynasty simply wiped them out from historical records. Every good writer in the Ming Dynasty lies in the founding of the People's Republic of China, so in the history of the Ming Dynasty, he was cut off rather than passed on. For example, Gu and eunuchs are also lost, because their life activities can not be separated from Liaodong and the founding of the People's Republic of China, so there is no biography in Ming history. For another example, Yuan Keli, commander of Dongjiang River, Mao, and Liu Aita, commander of the late Jin Dynasty, praised the eastern military affairs, especially the naval battle in Jin and Liao Dynasties, so the Ming History is not a biography.
Among the biographies of Ming History, Biography of Foreign Countries and Biography of Western Regions reflect the contact with overseas countries and tribal areas at that time, and preserve a large number of historical materials of Southeast Asia and Central Asia, which are good reference materials for studying the history of these countries and the history of Sino-foreign relations.
Among the Twenty-four Histories, Ming History is praised by historians for its proper compilation, accurate information, steady narration and concise writing, and it is a high-level historical book. This reflects that the editors have reached a high level in the examination and revision of historical materials, the use of historical materials, the mastery of historical events and the mastery of language.
Extended data:
Creation background of Ming History:
After the Qing Dynasty entered the Central Plains, in the second year of Shunzhi (1645) and in April of Guihai (1 1), the imperial historian Zhao invited him to compile the History of the Ming Dynasty (note: Zhao invited him to compile the History of the Ming Dynasty, for details, see the Records of the Qing Ancestors (1).
But there is no exact historical data to prove when the Qing court decided to compile it. There is no imperial edict about compiling the history of Ming Dynasty in the official books of Qing Dynasty. Only a few presidents wrote a petition in May of the second year of Shunzhi in Records of Qing Ancestors. In the petition, they said, "I am deeply honored to be the president of Ming Dynasty by imperial edict" and put forward a list of vice presidents and editors. This kind of "respecting the Oracle" is probably just an oral instruction of the first generation. It used to be said that Ming Shi was compiled in May of the second year of Shunzhi, but the expression was really inappropriate. Accurately speaking, in May of the second year of Shunzhi, the Qing court established the editor of Ming History. ) was recognized by the Qing court.
Later, college students Quan Feng, Li Jiantai, Fan Wencheng, Gang Lin and Qi Chongge were in charge of this matter. In May of that year, the President nominated the vice president and editor, and appointed seven bibliophiles, ten full-character transcribers and thirty-six Chinese character transcribers, which opened the prelude to the formal compilation of Ming history in Qing Dynasty. In the fourth year of Kangxi (AD 1665), the History Museum reopened and was closed due to the compilation of A Record of the Qing Shizu.
In the eighteenth year of Kangxi (A.D. 1679), with Xu as the supervisor, he began to compile the History of Ming Dynasty. In the fourth year of Qianlong (AD 1739), it was finalized and submitted for publication. Ming History is the longest official history in the history of China. If the museum was opened in the second year of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty (1645) and officially presented to the emperor in the fourth year of Qianlong (1739), it would take 94 years. It has been 60 years since the 18th year of Kangxi (1679).