Often watching the news, you will see many cases about how college students idle away their time, finally degenerate, and accomplish nothing after graduation. We just bid farewell to the rigorous learning atmosphere in high school. Our life and study are all arranged to be full, and we have been used to that kind of disciplined life for so many years. Then all of a sudden, I went to college, which was a relatively easy life. At first, I may arrange everything for myself, but over time, you will be influenced by the people around you. I know many people who drink, play games and fall in love every day ... but there are also people who are conscientious and study hard. Everyone entered the same university at first, but you can see the gap one year after graduation. No one has the right to interfere with your attitude of choosing life, but I hope each of us can live more responsibly.
If you feel that you have poor self-control, then stay in the dormitory as little as possible. It is false to really study in the dormitory, especially for a person who has no self-control. If you want to study, go to the library or study room. Anyway, don't stay in the dormitory. In the dormitory, you will want to sleep, and you can't resist the temptation. Watching everyone play games, you will have no motivation to learn. Dormitory is a place to sleep, and the study state of dormitory is not good. If you have time and money, you can choose to travel more. The student ID card is very favorable. The more you watch, the more you will know what kind of person you want to be. The environment around you is of course very important, but as long as your heart is firm enough, then all problems are not a problem.