Be admitted to the following prestigious schools
Harvard University
Princeton University
Yale University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Stanford University
University of California campuses
Duke University
Cornell University
Columbia University
University of Chicago
Johns Hopkins University
Rice University
University of Virginia
University of Michigan
University of Science and Technology Paris
Paris Institute of Neuroscience
University of Edinburgh
Karolinska Medical College, Sweden
The University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
National University of Singapore
Employed by the following institutions and companies
National security agency
Morgan Stanley Asia Limited
Ministry of Agriculture
Roland berger consulting co., ltd
institute of software chinese academy of sciences
Huada gene research institute
China construction bank
Huaxia Bank
Southern airlines
Sheng Qiang medical treatment co., ltd
Macalline group
Beijing zhuzong municipal engineering co., ltd
Beijing dabao cosmetic co., ltd
Beijing xueersi education group
New oriental school
Giant group
1. What is the student source? Student source refers to the source of candidates, subject to the system i