University attitude: CD√, university function: CDCB, university structure: CD√, multi-objective: CBD, reasonable objective: CD√.
Management by objective: DBC, social elite: DCD, college student image: DC×, remolding ideal: BC√, moving towards independence: B√×.
Independent requirements: DC×, self-reflection: CD√, optimization scheme: DC√, executive ability: CD√, time management: DACA.
Classroom study: BD√, college reading: D√, experimental study: CB×, competitiveness: AD√, thinking ability: DC×.
Social practice: BD√, course thesis: CD×, subject research: CC×, graduation thesis: BD√, course evaluation: D×√.
Enter a higher school: C×××, "bowl test" family: D×××, integrity test: √×, academic standard: d××××, loan credit: c××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
Consultant: AC ××××, classmate friendship: D×××, love season: AC×××, love knowledge: C√×, love problem: CDD.
Fitness expert: Da×××, sports family: D√×, sports competition :×××, health psychology: CDB, self-regulation: CD√.
Psychological assistance: ××√, artistic accomplishment: C×××××, artistic activities: D ×××, consumption expenditure: D××××, work-study program: DD×××.
Investment experience: AC√, career orientation: C×√, career path: ADD, career key: D D×××, rational entrepreneurship: BD×
Entrepreneurial opportunity: C√×, entrepreneurial preparation: D××.
Course introduction: In this course, Mr. Xiong tells how to spend several years in college, whether it is employment, further study, going abroad or starting your own business; What aspects of ability training should universities pay attention to; How to deal with love, interpersonal and psychological problems during college? Through study, students can have a comprehensive and profound understanding of all aspects of university and university life. Therefore, when I just finished the exam-oriented education and formally entered the university gate, I made a good plan for university life in combination with my own personality.