Tips from Huazhong University of Science and Technology: You should pay attention to these matters as soon as you enter school!
① at the time of departure
Please wear a mask and glasses, and take paper towels and disposable disinfectant wipes or disinfectant with you.
On the way to the transportation hub.
If possible, please give priority to taking a private car to the station and airport; If you need to take public transport, please always wear a mask to reduce contact with public goods and parts of public transport, and wash your hands and disinfect them in time after contact.
(3) When waiting for transportation.
Please take the initiative to cooperate with the temperature detection at airports and railway stations. When waiting in line, please try to keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others and avoid close conversation and contact. Please try to choose an empty area when waiting or waiting.
(4) When riding a vehicle.
Please always wear a mask. Once the mask becomes wet, dirty and deformed, replace it quickly when the surrounding environment is safe. Minimize stopovers on the way and avoid close contact with people with suspicious symptoms; If you need to eat, please pay attention to food hygiene and hand hygiene, try to avoid eating in the same seat with others at the same time, and reduce the possibility of taking off your mask with you; Please do a good job of health monitoring on the way, and take the initiative to measure your temperature when you feel fever. If you have suspicious symptoms, please take the initiative to inform the flight attendants, seek help, and seek medical treatment according to your condition.