20 14QS ranking of world business schools in North America
Ranked schools Chinese name schools English name national average GMAT
1 Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 730
2 Stanford University Stanford Business School Stanford Business School 729
Wharton school, USA.
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA, zip code: 7 15.
5 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 708
6 Columbia Business School, Columbia University, USA 670
Anderson School of Management, UCLA, USA
8 rotman School of Management, rotman Business School, University of Toronto.
Si Long School of Management, Si Long School of Business, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 7 10.
10 Fuku Business School, Duke University, USA 690
1 1 Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley 7 15.
12 Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, USA 703
13 Schulick Business School of York University, Canada 664.
14 Ivey Business School, Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada 669
15 De Sautels school of management, De Santels business school, mcgill university, Canada, 670.
16 HEC 630 Montreal, Advanced Business School, University of Montreal, Canada
17 Yale university school of management Yale university business school USA 7 17
18 queen's business school of Canada 6 1
19 Soder Business School, Suntech Business School, University of British Columbia, Canada 646
20 American Thunderbird Global Management Institute 6 18
2 1 Stern School of Business, new york University USA 720
University of alberta Business School, Alberta Business School, university of alberta, 600.
23 University of North Carolina Kennan-flagler School of Business Kennan School of Business 690.
School of Management, Boston University, USA, 683
25 Indiana University Gloria Business School Kelly Business School 664
26 Carnegie Mellon University Taber Business School USA 693
27 Dartmouth College Tucker Business School Tucker Business School USA 7 16
28 Darden Business School Darden Business School 703, USA
29 University of Texas Combs McCombs School of Business USA 684
30 Texas A&M University Metz Business School Metz Business School USA 649
3 1 Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Johnson School of Business, Cornell University, USA 700
32 University of Miami Business School 638, University of Miami Business School, USA
33 Georgetown University mcdonough Business School mcdonough Business School 684.
34 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Business School Illinois MBA USA 650
35 skyler Business School, Georgia Institute of Technology, Scheler Business School, 678
Goizueta Business School of Emory University 68 1.
Irving Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, USA.
Carroll School of Management, Boston College, USA.
39 Boston College Ou Lin Business School F.W. Olin Business School, Babson College 630, USA.
40 Holt International Business School Holt International Business School USA 6 10
4 1 Florida International University Business School, Florida, USA 555
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California
43 Weatherhead School of Management, Hyde Business School, Weiser, case western reserve university, USA, 6 15.
John molson School of Business, Mohsen School of Business, Concordia University.
Edwards Business School, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Haskell Business School, University of Calgary, Canada 620.
Leeds Business School in Boulder, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA 630.
University of Massachusetts Boston MBA program 587
Gustavson Business School, Gogstad Business School, University of Victoria, Roglia 573.
50 Robinson School of Business, Georgia State University, 57 1
5 1 Paul Merage Business School, University of California, Irvine, USA 673
52 Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, USA 650
Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina, USA, 622
54 Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis, USA 692
55 American University Business School, American University USA 575
Fox School of Business Administration, Temple University, USA 6 17.
Biddy Business School, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
58 University of Wisconsin-Madison University of Wisconsin Business School 675
Jesse Jones Business School, Rice University, USA Jesse Jones Business School.
Max M Fisher School of Business, Fisher College, Ohio State University, USA, 673
6 1 Lardy School of Management, University of California, San Diego, USA 680
George Washington University Business School George Washington University Business School USA 635
Telfer School of Management, Telfer Business School, University of Ottawa.
Graduate School of Management, University of San Francisco, USA.
65 Arizona State University Business School W.P. Carey Business School 675
66 University of San Diego-School of Business Administration University of San Diego-School of Business Administration USA 626
Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick, Rutgers, New Jersey State University 644, USA
Peter drucker and Zhengjun Ito Graduate School of Management, Claremont University, USA.
Robert smith Business School, University of Maryland, USA 660.
Daniels School of Business Administration, University of Denver, 6 14, USA.
7 1 Eli Broad Graduate School of Management, Ellie Business School, Michigan State University, USA 630.
72 Cox School of Business, Max School of Business, Southern Methodist University, 64 1
Crewe School of Management, Lutheran University, California, USA 550
74 University of Hawaii Business School Shideler Business School, University of Hawaii Ma? Ao USA 626
Mendoza Business School, University of Notre Dame, USA.
Joseph m. Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Pepperdine University Business School, USA.
77 Penn State University Business School Smale Business School, Penn State University, USA 643
79 Kelstadt Business School, Depaul University, USA 623
Michael Foster School of Business, University of Washington, USA
8 1 Degroot Business School, McMaster University 630
82 University of Suny at Buffalo-School of Management, Business School, new york State University at Buffalo, USA 606.
83 University of Texas Dallas Business School University of Texas Dallas Navid Ndjeng Dahl School of Management USA 669.
Olin School of Business, Ou Lin School of Business, Washington University, St. Louis, USA.
85 Purdue University Business School Krannert School of Management 632
Auburn University Business School, USA, 6 19
Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, USA 690
Graduate School of Management, Business School, Clark University, USA.
Mei Sen Business School, William and Mary College of Mei Sen Business School; Mary USA 6 10
90 Drexel LeBow, Drexel University Business School, USA 6 13
http://www.qianmu.org/ranking/ 1349.htm