Case western reserve university (USA ranked 4 1, Cleveland, Ohio, and can be admitted without language scores).
University of Miami (ranked 47th in the United States, Miami, Florida, can be admitted without language scores).
Syracuse University (ranked 55th in the United States, Syracuse, New York, can be admitted without language scores)
Virginia Tech (ranked 69th in the United States, Fort Blacksburg, Virginia, can be admitted without language scores)
Northeastern University (ranked 69th in the United States, Boston, Massachusetts, you can take the bridge course without language scores).
Marquette University (ranked 75th in the United States, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, can be admitted without language scores).
University of Iowa (ranked 72nd in the United States, Iowa, Iowa, both universities can be admitted)
University of Delaware (ranked 75th in the United States, Newark, Delaware, admitted without language scores)
Indiana University, bloomington (ranked 75th in the United States, bloomington, Indiana, can be admitted without language scores).
University of Alabama (ranked 79th in the United States, Tacheng, Alabama, can be admitted without language scores).
University of Miami at Oxford (ranked 79th in the United States, Oxford, Ohio, and can be admitted without language scores).
Michigan State University (ranked 79th in the United States, East Lansing, Michigan, double admission)
St. Louis University (ranked 86 th in the United States, St. Louis, Missouri, can be admitted without language scores)
Clark University (ranked 86th in the United States, Worcester, Massachusetts, directly admitted)
University of Denver (ranked 86th in the United States, Denver, Colorado, double admission)
Drexel University (ranked 86th in the United States, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with Bridge credits).
University of California, Riverside (ranked 86th in America, Riverside, California, double admission)
Iowa State University (ranked 94th in the United States, Ames, Iowa, can be admitted without language scores)
Missouri-Columbia University (the United States ranks 94th, and Columbia, Missouri, can be admitted without language scores).
University of Dayton (the United States ranks 99th, and Dayton, Ohio, can be admitted without language scores).
University of Massachusetts at amherst (ranked 99th in the United States, amherst, Massachusetts, you don't need language scores to be admitted).
University of California, Santa Barbara (ranked 48th in the United States)
University of Kansas (88th in America, Kansas)
Lincoln University, Nebraska (No.96, Nebraska, USA)
Illinois Institute of Technology (97th in the United States, Illinois)
University of Arizona (98th in USA, Arizona)
American undergraduate double-record art college
Art college university (San Francisco Art College, California, both undergraduate and master's degree can be admitted)