C(i) is used to express the relationship between the number of salespeople in a certain market and their income.
Xi represents the number of salespeople in a certain market,
The total income of the dispatch plan is:
c 1(x 1+ 1)+C2(x2+ 1)+c 1(x3+ 1)+C4(x4+ 1)①
The question is:
x 1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 8 ②
Under the constraint of ...,
Find the maximum value of ①.
The following is a MATLAB solution program, which can also be easily converted into other languages.
Relationship between sales staff number and income in% market
c 1 =[20 34 48 66 7 1 80 9 1 104 1 10];
C2 =[30 40 54 70 84 90 103 1 10 120];
C3 =[33 38 52 82 95 99 1 10 122 135];
C4 =[40 50 63 97 105 1 12 134 144 150];
n = 8; Percentage of marketers
max = 0; Initial value of maximum gross income percentage
For x 1 = 0:n
For x2 = 0:n
For x3 = 0:n
x4 = n-(x 1+x2+x3);
If x4 & gt=0
Total = c1(x1+1)+C2 (x2+1)+c1(x3+1)+C4 (x4+1).
If the total & gt= maximum
Max = total;
z 1 = x 1; z2 = x2z3 = x3z4 = x4
End, end, end
Maximum percentage maximum gross income
X = [z 1,z2,z3,z4]%