Introduce the necessary computer knowledge;
The price and performance of a computer are directly proportional to the hardware configuration of the computer. The main performance hardware names of a computer are: CPU, motherboard, memory stick, hard disk and graphics card. Among them, CPU is the core hardware of computer performance. If the performance of computer CPU hardware is not good, even if other performance hardware is good, it will not help, because computer CPU hardware is the computing core and control core of the computer. Memory stick hardware is the hardware that assists CPU operation. The CPU will allocate the storage capacity of the memory stick as needed. Insufficient memory capacity will affect the running speed of CPU and the response speed of software and web pages. The main function of hard disk is to store operating system and user data, and the reading and writing speed of solid-state hard disk affects the fluency of operating system and software. The hardware of graphics card is to process and render the graphics and images involved in the computer. In addition, the graphics card is responsible for signal conversion and output. Motherboard hardware is the guarantee of computer stability, and the performance of motherboard hardware affects the performance standards of other performance hardware.
Suggestions on the configuration of desktop computers used by college students;
There are generally only two requirements for college students to choose to assemble desktop computers. The first is to learn the professional needs, that is, to use computer graphics in their own majors, such as animation design, art design, electromechanical design, manufacturing and so on. The second is entertainment demand. Many college students like to play games in their spare time, and the game fluency of desktop computers is far greater than that of notebook computers with the same configuration. For computers that can meet these two requirements at the same time, the main performance hardware configuration of the recommended computer is as follows:
CPU: Ruilong R9-3900X
Heat dissipation: extremely cool D240 AMD version water cooling
Motherboard: MSI B550M mortar WIFI mortar
Memory module: Kingston 16GDDR42666
Solid state drive: Samsung 980PRO-250G-M.2-nvme2280
Graphics card: MSI GTX1660 6G Ventures XS Master.