Evaluate yourself correctly and don't expect too much of yourself. Correctly understanding and evaluating oneself is one of the important prerequisites for personality development. My own understanding and evaluation of myself is gradually cultivated in the process of development. Have a correct understanding of yourself, do what you can, and have reasonable expectations and evaluations of yourself.
Use all kinds of social support
Any psychologically mature and independent modern person needs the help of others, and extensive social support is an indispensable way to relieve stress. Family is an important part of social support network. In addition, we should pay attention to expanding our communication scope and seek psychological support from a third party without conflict of interest.
Look at yourself from multiple latitudes and establish self-identity. Because of the complexity and multi-dimension of self-consciousness, young people need to examine and adjust themselves in many dimensions, find the unity of self-consciousness, integrate self-consciousness and approach the ideal self.