Fudan University, a prestigious school, is recognized as the third university in the South after Tsinghua Peking University. Fudan University also enjoys a higher reputation abroad than Hong Kong University and Zhejiang University. Fudan University has close communication with foreign universities and has more affordable international exchange programs than Tsinghua Peking University. Fudan University's position in Shanghai is unshakable. Many candidates choose Fudan even if they can go to the North. Although Zhejiang University is thriving this year, Fudan is now more internationally recognized.
The University of Hong Kong has always been a local strongman in Hong Kong, but in recent years it has enrolled a large number of outstanding mainland students. These mainland students have occupied HKU's ace resource-the most comprehensive and best international exchange program in China, which has enabled more and more HKU alumni to study in famous foreign universities. Needless to say, the chemistry department of the Faculty of Science is still the first in the country, firmly controlling Caltech. HKU is developing rapidly and steadily, with increasing international recognition, and the mutual adaptation between mainland students and local students in Hong Kong is also gradually developing. However, choosing HKU is still a risky choice. After all, a student's personality indirectly determines whether he can give full play to his potential in such a special environment.