There is only one element in q 1:A, so find the value of m.
There are two elements in q 2:A, and find the value of m.
Question 3: A is an empty set. Find the value of m.
1△= 0 4(m- 1)^2-4m^2=4m^2-8m+4-4m^2=4-8m=0 m = 1/2
2△& gt; 0 4(m- 1)^2-4m^2=4m^2-8m+4-4m^2=4-8m>; 0m & lt; 1/2
3△& lt; 0 4(m- 1)^2-4m^2=4m^2-8m+4-4m^2=4-8m<; 0m & gt; 1/2
Given the set a = {x | ax2+2x+ 1 = 0}, if there is at least one element in a, find the value range of a.
A = 0ax2+2x+1= 02x+1= 0x =-1/2a has only one element.
A is not equal to 0 △ > = 0 4-4a & gt; = 0 4a & lt= 4a & lt; = 1
A<= 1 A has at least one element.