2. When you enter the university, you must have your own life goals. After entering the university, many students spent four years in a daze, but when they graduated, they found that they had nothing but a paper diploma.
You need to get out of the confusion as soon as possible and see the way you want to go. First of all, take some time to understand what kind of life you need in college, what you want most, what goals you need to achieve, and what kind of job you need after graduation.
You don't necessarily need to get along with others, have a vigorous love, or join a club to dominate the student circle, but you must study hard.
5. Stay away from the dormitory, go to the library, the reading room, the classroom, attend more lectures and read more books. Knowledge is always your best friend.
20 10 1 The self-study exam "College Chinese" is a true multiple-choice question 5.
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