Original text:
When autumn water comes, the rivers are full of rivers; Between the two cliffs, there is no dispute between cattle and horses. So James Hope was pleased with himself and took the beauty of the world for himself. Follow the current to the east. As for the North Sea, looking eastward, there is no end to the water. So Yan Hebo began to turn against each other, looked at the ocean and sighed, saying, "There is a saying in the wild, and knowledgeable person thought he didn't know it, so I called it. Besides, if I have less taste in Zhong Ni and disdain the meaning of Boyi, I will believe it. Today, I saw that this child is hardly poor. If I am not in front of the children's house, I will be in danger. My parents laugh at generous families. "
Autumn floods rise with the seasons. Thousands of rivers flow into the Yellow River, and the water flow is huge. You can't tell the difference between cattle and horses by the water and the islands on both sides. As a result, Hebo was very happy and thought that all the beautiful scenery in the world was concentrated on himself. Follow the running water to the east, and when you reach the Bohai Sea, you can't see the water when you look east. So Hebo put away (changed) his happy face, looked up at the Bohai Sea and sighed: "There is an old saying,' When you hear a lot of truth, you feel that no one can compare with yourself', and that's me. I have also heard that some people look down on Ni's knowledge and Bo Yi's righteous deeds. At first, I didn't believe it. Now I see that your sea is endless. If I don't come before you, it will be dangerous, and I will always be laughed at by people who know the truth. "