Funds to sponsor various activities with the goal of saving money. The more money you get from the merchants, the better. Write a sponsorship plan according to the activity planning of other departments, and then go to various businesses to contact competent businesses, and the members of the external liaison department will negotiate. Outreach can meet the requirements put forward by businesses and get money for businesses to promote in schools.
Liaise with social organizations in universities and colleges and their related units, discuss joint activities with other schools and assist in activities; Strive for corporate sponsorship to provide funds for our school's community activities; Etiquette management and arrangement; Follow-up investigation of foreign affairs activities of associations; Discuss the appointment and removal of personnel in this department, report to the presidium for review and assess the personnel in this department.
Advantages of joining the outreach department
A very direct benefit is that you can broaden your interpersonal network, know more people, and at the same time exercise your speaking and action skills, so that you can deal with people more skillfully.
The foreign relations department is a department that exercises people's communicative competence. Simply put, it is social! For example, if our school holds a sports meeting, it is necessary to get sponsorship, which is a matter for the external liaison department; Also, if several schools want to hold academic activities together, it is also the liaison department. In short, if you do it seriously, you can definitely learn a lot of knowledge that books can't!