1. Ability to think independently
When you enter the university, you must understand that things don't have standard answers like the exam questions. We often say that a university is a free place, so what is freedom? Have great freedom of thought. The world is not black and white. Everyone stands in different positions and often gets different answers. What we have to do is really learn to think for ourselves and find our own answers. Don't listen to other people's advice. You should keep calm about everything. Think clearly about what you want and what suits you. This ability needs to be continuously cultivated throughout the university for four years. You may find it difficult at first, but as long as you are not lazy and fully mobilize your brain, you will certainly benefit a lot in the future!
2. Ability to communicate effectively
This ability is very important! It is very important to go out to the society, whether in the present school or in the future. I hope everyone can communicate with teachers more in college. The greatness of a university is not in the building, but in the teacher. Every teacher in the university is a treasure! Maybe some college teachers will have a profound impact on your life. The world should communicate with brothers and sisters as well as teachers. They are all experienced people, know where there are pits, and humbly ask them for experience, which can make you take fewer detours. They have more similar study materials and know more similar people, different brothers and sisters and their respective professional fields. Everyone has a different lifestyle. From their experience, we can see whether we want this kind of life, so as to make our own life plan as soon as possible.
3. The ability to be alone
I have always felt that solitude is a kind of practice. Unlike high school, colleges and universities all aim at the same goal. Everyone has his own life plan, so he is destined to go his own way. Therefore, I am used to eating alone, going to the library alone, working hard alone, and learning to digest myself when I am confused. I can live a good life on my own, with strong will, strong heart and firm progress!
4. Keep studying.
It is important to keep reading, and it is also important to learn to read. Read ten books, and if the knowledge in them can have a little impact on your life, it will be very valuable. Quantitative change produces qualitative change. Therefore, we should develop the habit of reading and charging.
5. Ability to manage negative emotions
The influence of negative emotions on the spirit is the most critical straw to destroy college students. All your learning, ability and development are based on good emotional management ability.