1 commodity. (The goods are updated irregularly. )
Greet customers (loudly greet people in the street. It attracted everyone's attention. ★ Very important)
30% in rows. Pai is a prop suitable for the store environment to put your goods. For example, how high you put them is the longest angle that people stay when walking. Generally, goods are distributed in subway streets and underground passages. So all your things should be in front of the street view. Remember not to abuse bright colors! )
It is very important to display goods in the retail industry, even if you lose money to buy them, no one will see that nothing is useless!
These are the theories of specialty stores. By the way, how helpful it is to you. It is useless to know what is in the professional field. It is useless to ask and teach in business. It would be nice to pay a small tuition fee. Business depends on experience, not hearsay!
If you have no problem with these basics, then the problem lies in your price and the origin of the goods! I can't help it.