Many university dormitories turn off their lights at night around 1 1. Therefore, in order to prevent students from returning to the dormitory before 1 1:00 in the evening, personnel will be arranged to inspect the dormitory. If you go back to the dormitory too late, it will also affect the rest of the dormitory. If you don't check the dormitory, the dormitory hygiene will definitely be dirty. Now many male college students don't like cleanliness very much. Therefore, if college students live in this environment for a long time, it is easy to get sick. So it is also for the health of students, so we should check the dormitory. Although the school often checks the dormitory, it will make people feel annoyed, but the ultimate goal is for their own good.
If you know a group of roommates with similar personalities during your four years in college, you will feel very happy during your college years. Because during my college years, I spent most of my time in the dormitory. So if you don't have a good relationship with your roommate, it's hard for you to stay in the dormitory. So you must get along well with your roommate at ordinary times. Don't get into their trouble.