(1) Confucius said: "It's a pleasure to learn from it and learn from it. It's just that people don't know and don't care. Isn't it a gentleman? "
Confucius said, "Isn't it pleasant to study and review what you have learned on time?" ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Even if people don't understand me, they don't dislike me. Isn't he a noble man? "
(2) Confucius said: "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."
Confucius said, "Review the past and learn new things, and (such a person) can regard him as a teacher."
(3) Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous."
Confucius said: "If you just study mechanically without thinking, you will be confused;" If you think about it but don't study hard, you will be mentally exhausted. "
(4) Zi Gong asked, "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions, so I call it' Wen'."
Zi Gong asked, "Why did Zi call posthumous title Wen?" Confucius said: "(Confucius) is quick-thinking, diligent and eager to learn, and is not ashamed to ask people who are not as good as himself, so he is called' Wen'."
(5) Confucius said, "What's wrong with me if I study silently and never tire of learning and never tire of teaching?"
Confucius said, "What have I done for me? Write down what I have learned silently, study hard if I am not satisfied, and teach others not to feel tired! "
Artistic feature
The Analects of Confucius are mostly quotations, but they are all rich in meaning, and some sentences and chapters are vivid.
For example, "Lutz Zeng Xi You Ran Palace Xi Shihua Zuo" is not only long in length, but also pays attention to narrative, which can be regarded as a narrative with complete structure. The characters are vivid, and naturally reveal their ideological tendencies through their expressions, actions and dialogues, which is very artistic.