Queen Mary University of London, also known as Queen Mary College of London, 1887 was founded in London, England, and was named after Queen Mary, the wife of King George V of England. 19 15 became a member of London University. It is a world-renowned public comprehensive research university.
Queen Mary University in London is a member of Russell University Group in Britain, and has established the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in science and engineering with Oxford University, Cambridge University, University College London, Imperial College London University in London and Southampton University. It enjoys a high reputation in the fields of medicine, law, social science and engineering.
1989, Queen Mary College merged with Staffordshire College to form Queen Mary and Staffordshire College.
1995 college merged two famous medical schools, namely 1843 StBartholomew's Medical College and 1785 LondonHospitalMedicalCollege.
On 20 12, he left 1994 University Group and joined Russell University Group.
In 20 13, Queen Mary and Staffordshire College were officially renamed QueenMaryUniversityofLondon.
In 20 14, Queen Mary University of London began to issue its own degree certificates, and it still belongs to the University of London Group.