After years of study, these college teachers have a very high knowledge reserve and professional level. However, if they want to study such courses, their real conditions may not meet the standard, and they may even spend money in vain and waste a lot of useless work. However, the emergence of the Internet has broken the barriers to learning knowledge. These university professors only need to register an account online, and then publish their majors and some good knowledge points online, which will form a lot of chain reactions. In this era of Internet of Everything, I think this is a very good way to learn.
Nowadays, many people's time has become fragmented, but we can only learn what we really want to learn by using fragmented time. Once many young people enter the adult society, they often give up their consciousness and learning ability and work nonstop every day, but their work often reaches a certain bottleneck. Only by constantly learning and updating knowledge can we better catch up with the changes of the times.
Knowledge is out of date at any time. Personally, I also like that university professors can publicize knowledge through the internet, which largely reflects the fairness of education and is the greatest fairness of education. I think everyone can learn and acquire knowledge, and at a certain cost, they can learn useful things. The knowledge that changes their future thoughts and living conditions is the most valuable.
Young people are more and more interested in learning about the outside world through the Internet, and they are also more and more interested in national affairs. I think this is a very good phenomenon, but many people have certain opposition views, because national affairs have nothing to do with ordinary people, and they just need to do their immediate work well, but from this perspective, I think it is very wrong.
Because young people know about state affairs through the internet, although they can't change their lives, they can change a person's overall situation and future life trajectory. We don't live in a static era, our life is a world that changes at any time. Only by grasping state affairs and understanding social changes can we find the direction of life.