The high jump originated in England and from gymnastics. 1864, the high jump was included in the field events for the first time in Britain. Kenai, an Englishman, jumped over the height of 1.70 meters by jumping (the most primitive and simple high jump posture). Men's high jump higher than 1896 was listed as an official event in the first Olympic Games. Women's jumping has been officially included in the Olympic Games since 1928.
Physical training is one of the important contents of high jump training. The development of physical training level is the basis of mastering and improving sports skills, the material guarantee of heavy load training and the premise of continuously improving sports performance. There are two kinds of bounce training: natural bounce and special bounce. Strength training includes general strength quality training and special strength quality training. The former's training methods are helpful for wooden leg lifting, high leg lifting and practicing solid ball, while the latter's training methods include carrying bow and arrow and lifting step.
American Middle School Introduction Phillips Exeter College School Address: No.20 Main Street, Exeter, New Hampshire
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