Synopsis: In the summer of senior one, Van Gogh left his hometown on the outlying island and went to Tokyo alone. Poor life forced him to find a job, and finally he became a writer in a publishing house specializing in strange and supernatural publications. Soon, Tokyo began to rain heavily for several days, as if suggesting the future of sailing.
In this busy city, Van Gogh met Cai Yang, a beautiful girl who lived alone with her brother. "It will clear up soon." Cai Yang told Van Gogh this way. Soon, the dark clouds above him gradually dispersed and the dazzling sunshine sprinkled on the street ... It turned out that Cai Yang had the magical ability to "change the weather" ...
Role introduction
1, Morishima sail height
A high school student left his hometown for a remote island in pursuit of light. He left his home on the island, went to Tokyo and got a job in the publishing house of Supernatural magazine. But since he started his new job, the weather has been terrible, and it rains every day.
2. Amano Cai Yang
Cai Yang seems to be able to control the weather. When she prayed, the rain stopped. With her closed hands, she sucked the rain back into the sky. In a corner of the city, Fan Gao met Yang Restaurant.