1. Business Management: SternSchoolofBusiness of new york University is one of the top business schools in the world, offering MBA, finance, marketing, accounting and other majors, and has trained many business leaders.
2. Law: NewYorkUniversitySchoolofLaw is one of the best law schools in the United States, offering LLM, JD and other majors and training many excellent lawyers and judges.
3. Computer Science: TandonSchoolofEngineering of new york University ranks among the best in the United States, offering undergraduate, master and doctoral courses to cultivate students' innovative ability in the computer field.
4. Film and Drama: The film and drama major of TischSchooloftheArts College of new york University enjoys a high reputation and has trained many excellent directors, screenwriters and actors.
5. Psychology: The Department of Psychology of new york University ranks among the best in the United States, offering undergraduate, master and doctoral courses to cultivate students' research and practical ability in the field of psychology.
6. Sociology: The sociology major of the New School for Social Research of new york University ranks among the best in the United States, offering undergraduate, master and doctoral courses to cultivate students' research and practical ability in the field of sociology.
7. Medicine: LangoneSchoolofMedicine of new york University is one of the best medical schools in the United States. It offers clinical medicine, public health and other specialties, and has trained many excellent doctors and researchers.
8. Art design: SchoolofVisualArts of new york University ranks among the best in the United States in art design, offering undergraduate and master's courses to cultivate students' innovative ability in the field of art design.