It's Your Turn is a suspense drama directed by Noriyoshi Sakuma, Naoko Komiya, Takayuki Nakata and Hideki Uchida. It was written by Mitsunori Fukuhara, starring Kei Tanaka and Tomoyo Harada. It premiered on Japanese TV on April 19.
Gentle wife Chennai (Harada Tomoko) and naive and romantic husband Shota (Kei Tanaka) are brother and sister, with an age difference of 15. They just moved to a high-end apartment in Tokyo, but they were accidentally involved in a serial murder at home.
Originally, with an interesting mentality, the residents in the apartment were playing a game of exchanging murders, and the result was false, and there was a real murder. All the residents in the apartment began to fall into nightmares, and wonderful reasoning puzzles began.